
Huge avocado leftover - what do I do with it?

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can I freeze it?




  1. you can try it but ive had it go bad even in the freezer. that stuff goes bad really fast.  

  2. put it in sandwiches! the best snack ever!

  3. Eat it. You can mashed it and add a teaspoon of sugar. Delicious.

  4. no you cannot freeze it, you can put it in an airtight container with some lime or lemon juice and the pit of the avocado and it will keep a couple days, but no longer.  

  5. Freezing it would probably s***w with its texture significantly.

    Make guacamole (leave the pit in the bowl to help keep it from getting brown, or put plastic wrap on the surface of the guac).

    Try an avocado lassi (it's a kind of yogurt milkshake).

    You could also use it as part of a face mask. Edible and moisturizing.

  6. Hmmm.  I think it would turn brown in the thawing.  Better just eat it today or tomorrow.  You can slice it up and put it on a veggie sandwich with tomato and sprouts, make a spicy gazpacho and slice it up on top,  make some guacamole.  Make a layered mexican dip, with black beans, cheese sour cream tomato and avacado.  Yummy!

  7. eat it - yummy, ive been craving guacamole all day long

  8. I am a former chef and we used to get frozen avocado puree in Jamaica, and if you puree it with lemon or lime juice and some salt and a bit of sugar in small amounts you can take it out and make dips and soups.

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