okay so my family has had soooo many coincidences with the number 4, mostly my grandparents... my grandfather had a heart condition and had 4 heart attacks, and on the fourth one he died from it after 4 days in the hosital on september 4th, 1984 at the age of 54 at 4:14 a.m. my grandmother was born july 14th, 1933, and passed away in hosital room 4 after 4 hours of surgery at the age of 74 at 11:14p.m on march 4th of this year. their annivarsary is november 14th, and this past year would have celebrated 54 years of marriage, they have 4 kids all in their 40's. and they had 14 grandchildren. i think there was a few more..... isnt this crazy, what does it mean?????