
Huge depression and stress of worries over the fear of losing my teeth?

by Guest64717  |  earlier

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Ok, this is going to be a big post.. because its got to the point where i am so depressed and stressed over my teeth that i just NEED advice and answers, and for whoever does give serious answers, i GREATLY appreciate it, i NEED the help :(

Ok so, i am a male (obviously), 17 years old, i still have all of my teeth, but.. i am convinced i have either gingivitis or periodontitis, that is fine, i can get it sorted but...

WHAT ARE THE SMALL SWELLINGS above my two front top teeth?

my 2 front top teeth appear longer due to gum recession, but what are the small swellings above them on the gums? it wont end up that i have to get them extracted will it? i hope it doesn't form into an abscess

they appear like this:

if theres anything i fear in my whole life, it would be losing my teeth, especially ones that will be noticed... i feel that if i lose my teeth it will take away my chances... if you know





  1. Given your age I would say it is not too likely that you have periodontitis at this time. Gingivitis yes. First thing I would recommend is having a dental exam and thorough cleaning, you may have build up under the gums that is causing them to be bulbous (looks like swollen). Unless you had a trauma to the area it is probably not going to turn into an abcess. I see very few patients that loose their front teeth or have abcesses with them.

    My other question to you would your sleep with your mouth open? If so, you may be a "mouthbreather" and that can cause your gums in the front of your mouth to be more swollen and red.

    I am glad that you are concerned, but find it unlikely that you teeth are going anywhere. Feel free to gently massage those areas with a clean fingertip to stimulate the blood flow to the area and see your hygienist!

    Hope that makes you feel less depressed!

    JAMRDH - a dental hygienist of 16 years

  2. hi either if it periodontitis or gingivitis it can be treated completely so no need to worry with the help of the dentist to treat very bad problems they use a system called  pocketing were they mesure thelegnth of the losse ness of the teeth and help ariagat them and treat the periodontium and this is the porccess for periodontits and for the treatment of gingivits (the picture u shown) can be treated just through good oral hygien especially flossing good and good mouthwas

    if you are having trouble seeing your dentist to heal things quicker i advise you to use corsodyl mouthwas it works very good and heals gums quickly and also buy a water pik this is for replacing flossing if u find flossing dificult ! i hope i helped ! Cee* Bee*

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