
Huge golf ball sized bump!!!?

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i was bit by a mosquito last night, and right away there was a really big bump. i have not been touching or itching it, but today it kept getting bigger, until it was getting close to being the size of a golf ball. i wouldn't care about this if it wasn't for where the bump is... on my face! it is on one of my eyebrows! i just finished putting ice on it for awhile, and the swelling did go away alot but not enough.

any tips on making the swelling go away almost completely?




  1. Hi Suzy.

    The short answer is to see you GP/Family Doctor.

    It is unusual for mosquito bites to get so large unless you are allergic to them. Are you assuming it was a mosquito? Are you in a malarial area...if so seek urgent medical advice.

    Simple things to try are:

    1. An antihistamine tablet or cream

    2. An anti- inflammatory such as ibuprofen

    3. A ice compress

    Do not squeeze it.

    If you start to feel unwell, shaky, hot or cold seek immediate medical advice.

  2. Pop that sucker. jk.

    Go to a doctor. Could be dangerous.

  3. well theres a chance it could be infected. wait a week and see if its infected. mean while, this is a remedy that my mom used on me when my wrist was sweelled up from a mosquito it wasnt that big tho. squeeze a lemon and put it on a cloth and keep the cloth on the sweeling or you could use lemon juice, or if it itches, cortizone and cortizone helps with the swelling good luck!

  4. See a doctor, you will need an antidote, cortisone, or anti-inflammatory, anti-allergen, etc.  It's not going away before it has done more damage.

  5. might be infected

  6. I wouldve seen the doctor a looooong time ago!!!

  7. sounds like a little more than a mosquito bite. Maybe a spider bite and hope it isn't a Brown Recluse...I'd be into see the Dr asap!

  8. With a mosquito bite, you just have to let nature take its course.

    If you want to make your face symmetrical again, try hitting yourself with a small hammer in the exact same spot on the other side.

  9. Why haven't you gone to a doctor yet?  Mosquito bites are NOT supposed to get that big.

  10. SEEE A DOCTOR!!!!!!!!1

  11. It could not be a mosquito. But if it is I would recommend putting not ice on it that won't help. There is no scientific way of helping a mosquito bite, but you can put hand sanitizer or Medicines like Benedryl. By the way when someimes my misqito bites get on my face for some reason I tend to get tired and so do a lot of people I dont know why, so if you fell sleepy its most likley a big growing misquito bite!

  12. Ummm, just how big was this mosquito? Are you sure that it was not some demented bat or flying squirrel? Those little suckers can be vicious, you know.  

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