So, I recently have been noticing a ton of issues with my eyes, but I've come to the conclusion that what I'm seeing is just visual snow. Anywho, I've noticed a huge amount of floaters recently. Whether I'm just noticing them because I'm paying attention to my eyes more, or not, I'm still a bit worried about them.
Basically -- it almost feels like its raining floaters. If I look up really quickly then look down, I can see groups of little dots, almost like particles of floaters. They eventually go to the bottom of my vision and it settles with just normal floaters.
I've noticed this for about a week, and I started noticing my visual snow about 3 days before hand. I know the visual snow has been there for my entire life, I'm just not sure whether or not the floaters have been.
I've got no curtains over my vision, no flashes of light, peripheral vision is totally fine. I'm pointing towards it not being retina detachment, but I'm going to my optometrist/opthalmologist anyway.