I went camping yesterday night with my cousins and we were having soo much fun just hanging out with each other. Then me and my cousin walked to the park right down the camp site and were swinging and talking and stuff. Then these two guys, were being immature trying to skate board down a slide and stuff, and then they started talking to us acting really nice. I was just like, okay whatever. Then they followed us back to our camp site and introduced themselves to my mom and my cousins mom and then they were like, "Oh..in the morning we have to chill." I was just like, yeah right. Because they were soooo annoying for following us there eating our food and just acting like we were friends with them!! And then when they left he was like, "Can I have your number? If you don't I'll shake your tent at 3 am and wake you up." He was trying to be funny. And I was sooooo stupid, I'm really not like this at all or anything. But, there camp site was right across from ours and I didn't want to be like, No you cant have my number, leave me alone. So I just gave it to him, I'm so dumb... and now that I'm back home he keeps texting me and how should I just tell him to leave me alone and delete my contact and STOP texting me. I don't want to have anything to do with him. I'm so not like that, I just didn't want to be rude...please help.... ]: