
Huge spyware problem.?

by  |  earlier

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basically, my computer has a LOT of valuable personal stuff saved on it. from pictures to music, and certain files.

anyways, one day a few months ago, i logged onto my desktop or whatnot, and the background was blue, with a yellow box in the center that read something like "spyware has been detected on your computer". i didn't know what was going on so i didn't do much about it. now this was a few months ago, and currently, i cannot change the background or screen saver on my desktop. the screen saver is automatically set as a blue screen with white font writing and bad news typed all over it. (not literally..) then, it turns into the windows xp logo as if it is starting up again, but it's not. it's just a screen saver.

i got a 8gb sd card so hold some of my pictures and music..but i'm not exactly sure it worked. i'm scared to reboot my computer totally and bring it back to square one..because this stuff on my computer is immensly important to me.

alsoo, i have wireless internet, and can get online for a few minutes tops, but then it stops. i never had this problem before until this spyware stuff happened. so i'm not sure i can simply go to a website and download a spyware remover. :/

any help at all is welcome.




  1. The easiest way to fix it is using Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware (Download it, update it, do a full scan, and remove everything it finds).

    I would also recommend the following programs to make sure that you don't get infected again in the future:

    Spybot - Search & Destroy

    Avira AntiVir Personal

    Spyware Doctor Starter Edition

  2. Hello,

    # You can do an online scan for viruses at:


    ## You can download an antivirus software like NOD32 at:

    ### Another solution for you which won't waste your time like the others. If you have a Windows CD and all the applications which have been installed on your current Windows,

    1) move all your files from the drive that Windows has been installed.

    2) Boot your computer with the Windows CD

    3) Format that drive which the PREVIOUS windows had been installed during the windows setup,

    4) Install the windows simply

    5) Install Windows drivers

    6) Install your applications

    It will take a maximum time of 3-4 hours.

    #### In the case of your SD card, don't worry because the viruses and spywares don't affect music or image files (despite worms which damage all contents of the disks and are very rarely appear in Windows). You should only clear the autorun of your SD card. Do the following steps:

    1) Press down the shift key while you attach the SD card.

    2) Go to "Start menu->run"

    3) Type "attrib -r -s -a x:\autorun.*" (X is your SD drive name) and press enter

    4) Type " del x:\autorun.* " and press enter

    That's all.

    I hope these will be useful for you.

  3. What you have is not spyware but a joke virus.

    A joke virus pop up with all kind of messages to scare you into reformating your PC.

    I would suggest that you get Avast Home Edition version 4,

    which is free for personal use.

    Avast is a very effective and free anti-virus program because it can do

    a boot time scan in safe mode and it will remove the entire virus on your PC.

    Even those viruses that hide inside the system restore folder.

    Windows utilize a restore utility that backs up selected files

    automatically to the System volume information /System Restore folder.

    This means that an infected file could be stored there as a backup file,

    and most anti-virus programs will be unable to delete these files. You

    must disable the System Restore Utility to remove the infected files

    from the folder if you use another brand of anti-virus. However, you do

    not need to do so if you use Avast to do a boot up scan in safe mode.

    Avast Anti-virus installation

    How to configure Avast ?

  4. If your computer is infected by trojan, spyware/ adwares/ malwares, you can easily get rid of spywares and adwares by using any free spyware or adware killer tool, you can download the ones  which are free.Free programs to download are Spybot S&D, SuperAntiSpyware, Ad-Aware 2007 and AVG. Check out for more details.

  5. Okay, what you could do is enter Safe Mode (Pressing F8 during boot-up) and run your anti-virus (make sure that the wireless internet thing is disconnected from the computer. Then scan the heck of of it. You can also download

    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. This helped me when I accidently downloaded WinAntiVirusPro. This a free program, so use.

    Link to it:

    Hope it helps. Good luck.

  6. Download the free version of Superantispyware.

    Finds viruses and spyware without any conflict to your own antivirus.

    Update and run and in depth scan.  Free you must update daily on a manual basis or purchase and get auto. updates.

    Shoud you be unable to stay on the internet long enough to download the file, message me, and I will send the file to you via email.   Then all you have to do is open and run.

    Mind Doctor, France.
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