
Hugs, how important are they in your daily lives?

by  |  earlier

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I love hugs, and cuddles. Right now though I don't have a partner or many close friends that like hugging, and it can often be a period between hugs.

How are important are daily hugs to you?




  1. Not too important but they do tend to make a bad day feel better.A hug is a great thing,sometimes.

  2. I hug sooo many people at school ;) We need them they cheer us up or make us laugh, they remind you you have fab friends and they feel nice. It's nice to snuggle up to people. I'm in need of a hug atm haven't been out in almost 2 days haha. ♥

  3. i feel the same i love to hug and cuddle and i do tons of times a day lol

  4. Not all that important, unless round friends and family of the opposite s*x. I can't see meself and me hairy mates going about hugging each other. Might be warm and fuzzy, and the odd looks would be worth a photo!

  5. I think human touch is important they make you feel good so that would say that they are good

  6. I love my children's hugs and my husbands they are comforting...I cringe at the polite little tap on the back hugs you do to acquaintances lol.


  7. Quite. Smiling doesn't come easily to me (feels fake) so I express them through hugs =)

  8. In daily lives hugging is not so important sometimes because of hugs embracing position emerges out.

  9. I think genuine hugs are good for your soul. I don't always get them every day because some of my closest friends don't live nearby right now and my Sweetie has been traveling for work a lot and I'm fine. I'd probably happier with a daily hug tho.

    You could get a kitten or a puppy to love. I don't think it has to be people snuggles to make you feel great.

  10. Daily? I seem to get them around once every 10 yrs.,and that's fine with me.I don't like them and avoid them.

  11. not all that important,unless your feeling down

  12. Very important, cause i feel important.

  13. I think excessive hugging is unnecessary and irritating, because it cheapens what should be a sign of affection, rather than a common greeting method. I'm all for peace and love, but something tells me the neon-clad sprogs jumping each other every ten seconds lacks the sincerity required..

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