
Hugs! Are liberals really for the working man or are they hypocrites wanting more power & money?

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Despite New Obama DNC Lobbyist Money Ban, Loophole Permits Millions From Big Biz for Conventions




  1. Read the first couple of chapters of "The Case Against Barack Obama" by David Freddoso. It will make your hair stand on end!

    It is all about the 'friends and family' political spoils system of the city of Chicago which produced the current wunderkind.

  2. they want to take our hardearned money and divide it equaly. there commes!

  3. Democrats and Republicans are hypocrites.  Neither could get to first base if they were honest.

  4. All politicians lie. But some lie more often than others.

  5. Funny but obviously your publication's people who run it don't think so.  James A. Leach a former Republican congressman who is also a conservative, is endorsing Barack Obama and speaking at the convention.

    However now that you asked it, I don't think the Dems are hypocrites at all.  We as the middle class did a lot better under Clinton than we are now.  I do have an issue with big biz conventions but alot of our tax dollars are going to it too.  And, the Dems certainly are not perfect.  But what is the alternative?  McCain and another 4 years of Bush policies?  NO THANKS!   You know that $3.00 you can check off on your tax forms every year?  Well, that is also going to both conventions.  I do have an issue of big biz controlling our country.  But it has been so blatant under the Bush/Cheney regime and we'll get the same under McCain.  The Dems at least do pass legislation that do help the middle class in this country rather than just big business.  I'd never vote for a Republican ever in my life.  They have done nothing but create misery in this country since Reagan on the middle class and on the poor.  I will believe Obama over McCain anyday.  McCain is nothing but a liar and one of Bush's biggest supporters by voting for his policies over 95% of the time.  

    Obama '08

    EDIT:  "There is nothing dumber or more hypocritical than a republican accusing others ovf wanting "more money and power".   The poster above, Cons Hate Facts,  is so right about this.

  6. All people of power have to lie in some way to keep their power and keep the people happy. An honest person unfortunatly doesn't get far in the world of politics as people don't want to hear grim outlooks and reasonable solutions. They just want change from who ever is leading since the grass is always greener on the other side.

  7. are you saying that I should get ****** by the republicans because they are up front with the way they will **** me up?

  8. the democrats play the system real well  

    with their family foundations and their entitlements

    why do you think they stay in office for 40 yrs

    definitely should be term limits    2 terms and your gone

    let them get a real job

  9. Conservatives and Liberals do this.  It is true.

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