
Hugs! Do you think it's the govt's job to solve all our problems by throwing more $ into the fire?

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Barack proposes more & more spending, putting our federal deficit more in the red. Isn't there more efficiencies for govt to pass regulation that promotes change from private industry? Why can't we let the "invisible hand" & free markets profit & at the same time "do the right things" by promoting jobs, cleaner production, etc?

Would you really want govt to manage tasks beyond its technical capability?




  1. asfasf

  2. No, it solves all of our problems by throwing billions a month to some desert thousands of miles away....


  3. Democrats do thats why they vote to give more control to the Government.  

  4. the democrat answer to all of this is,,,there are too many rich people in the U.S. and not enough poor.

    so they plan to correct that little problem with millions more on gubment assistance and welfare.

  5. 574 Billion Dollars.

    That's what Bush has spent - just in Iraq.  Money that was mostly borrowed from China.

    If you want to talk about deficits - I'm right here waiting.

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