
Hugs! I wanna ride a bike, smoke, drink, & womanize. Is it wrong to be a macho man in today's world?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Barney, you have a reputation to live up to. Don't ruin it for the kids. The producers will probably fire you and Babybop will have to take over and we know how that'll go! Do it for the kids.

  2. Well I ride a bike, smoke, drink and manise and no-one seems to mind much :-)

  3. h**l NO! you should ride a Harly, drink Jack Dannels and do lots of chicks! thats what a real man does!

  4. Have fun.. don't forget to belch and f**t along the way..


  5. no, its not bad but just dont womanize and smoke and drink so much

  6. Everything must do in moderation.  And then pay the consequences.

  7. Sure, don't forget giving your women dirty sanchez's.  Teehee, you'll have them leaving you in a hurry so you can move onto the next poor soul.

  8. It is not wrong to do any of those things, including womanize, as long as you do not harm anyone else, stay within the law, and the activity is with the lady's explicit consent.

    And while you are at all those wonderful activities, allow your mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, AND DAUGHTER the same opportunities that you propose for yourself.

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