
Hugs! Who dares to come forward & defend a FLDS woman's right to live as a subservient partner?

by  |  earlier

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On the zion ranch, it's life as usual forming a single line into the bedroom?

Hugs baby!




  1. If most of them weren't on welfare that would be fine.    However the women and children are cash income for the FLDS.

  2. I think if we can re-define marriage as 2 men or 2 women. its ok to redefine it as a man 5 women and a girl

  3. I'll defend anybody's right to do anything, so long as it's legal :-)

  4. Some women chose to be submissive.

    Some men chose to be submissive.

    Says more about their own self worth than anything...... Who in their right mind thinks it's 'healthy' to be in a relationship where the balance of power is unequal?? Seriously not healthy.... For women, OR men.

  5. Ultimately, if they are adults, they have the right to make their own decisions. But if they have grown up in an environment in which they are constantly brainwashed, it is my opinion that they might not have a broad enough understanding of the world to make an informed, responsible choice in that situation.

    If you have been taught since you could understand speech that you are destined to be the s*x-and-cleaning slave of an older man, you will not magically gain the ability to decide responsibly what is good for you just because you have reached the age of 18. Unfortunately, I don't think Utah law agrees with me.

    If an adult woman who has had enough life experience to know her alternatives wants to ruin her life, then that is her prerogative.

  6. An FLDS women who is over the age of 18 has the choice to do this.  However I don't believe they form a single line into the bedroom.

  7. I think people should be able to live any way they want as long as they're not brain washed or emotionally blackmailed into it.

  8. d**n you Barney... your beenie little eyes and tiny hands.....

    d**n your obnoxious voice and unrepentant joy!!

    d**n You !!!!!!

  9. Her right to subservience ends when her kids are being abused and she is too passive to care.

  10. Most of the women on here will say they defend a woman's right to be submissive, but the way a few of them attack some of the women who admit they're submissive says otherwise for a number of them.  I won't name any names, although I can think of several.  But I think the majority of the people on here would defend that right, so long as the relationship isn't abusive.

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