
Hugs & kisses are flowing like sweet water tea at the DNC national convention do you think McCain can keep up?

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At his convention or what?




  1. I make the best sweet ice tea in the world...when I have company in  from out of state or just down the road the first thing they want when the get through my door is a hug and a glass of sweet tea...

    I am as southern as any middle aged woman can be...heres the but...

    I cant stand that fake kissy face c**p...It is my hope that the republican convention does not go the way the democrat convention has gone...

    always nosnod

    middle aged; wow who'd a ever thunk it:-)

  2. Yes, he can lie his way through it! I bet they try and blame Obama for their 3 TRILLION dollar deficit and 6 year war! It's Clinton's fault that 9/11 happened even though they were warned. Clinton tried to pass a anti-terrorism bill in 1996 and the Republicans, primarily Orin Hatch gutted it!

    Does anyone believe he will take on big oil when he has represented the for years. He has one of the worst track records in the Senate and he has accepted over 1 MILLION from them!

    He's always in someones pocket!

  3. i dont care about all that hype. i just want a McCain victory in november.

  4. No. But they might slap each other for fun.

    Hugs and kisses ;-)

    The DNC has me in that kissy mood. lol

    It's so friendly.

  5. What is water tea? Why is it sweet?

    And, no, McCain cannot keep up because the Republicans are big bad masculine soldier men. They wouldn't do silly things like hug or give women equal pay.

  6. No McCain can't keep up. If it wasn't for his driver he would not even reach the Republican convention but get lost in Minneapolis. Now some would argue it would be a good thing if McCain just got lost but I believe having a traumatized Vietnam veteran with a bad temper and clear signs of beginning dementia roaming the streets of America would cause more problems than it would solve.

    Furthermore I have confidence enough in the good American people to believe they'll reject four more years of failed policies, broken promises and endless war.

    No way, No how, No McCain

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