Okay he's a really nice guy, and cool person to talk to, but i am soo worried that he might be cheatin on my sister, they've been together 3 and half years, and have a 1 yr old baby girl name priscilla,....Well i don't see him often playing with his daugther, and my sister is a stay home mom, and he's always saying he have to go out with his friend, and spending time with his Father, which he mention to my sis long time ago, that he wasnt really close to his dad,.......and he gets off works at 5, and coming home around 8am?...i am worried that he's cheating, becaue my brother in law heard him talking to a girl, on the phone,.....so what you guys think?. Am i just lossing it?, or my sisters bf is actually cheating on her?...Please help!
35 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.