
Hull rugby league?

by Guest57744  |  earlier

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why is it that whenever hull rfl fans are in town there is always trouble? this happened again this week at warrington. people throwing beer, fighting , swearing, It dosn't happen with other visiting clubs. even wigan! come on hull clean up your act. you are letting our great game down.




  1. one thing we don"t want in the greatest game is segregation amonst the be able to stand or sit and talk to rival supporters in rugby,make us the envy of alot of other sports i could care to mention.i"m a rhino fan and have seen plenty of trouble with the hull fans.however,they also have a loyal fan base so it"s a shame a few spoil it for so many.they do seem to grab the headlines for all the wrong reasons though

  2. Dirty Hull, im a Leeds fan and I remember when they ripped the posts down when we beat them at home in the cup, no wonder there voted as one of the worse places to live!

  3. not sure why you feel the need to bring up the Wigan name in this question

    i can remember the warrington fines having a reputaion not to be proud of

    as for hull they have tried in the last couple of seasons to sort out the trouble hull kr fans seem different so it can be done and i am sure they will sort it out during the season

  4. not sure

  5. hmm ok

  6. i agree yeah us warrington fans r not perfect but when you have children there watching the rugby with idiots throwing bottles and punching anyone next to them and swearing it's no fun i'm 8months pregnant and go with my lads my youngest is 5yrs old it's meant to be a family game we was pushed about i don't want my kids seeing things like that .

  7. They were not Hull FC fans, they were a bunch of soccer hooligans looking for trouble.

  8. I was at Central Station just after a Wire/Wigan game had finished, and there were fights outside the pub on the other side of the road towards the ground.
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