
Hullo there.Can olive trees shrive in a tropical climate like East africa?

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If not do you think there's a way they can be made to adapt to the conditions of the tropics...I will glad for an answers.

Be cool y'all.




  1. I looked into planting olive trees a few years back. I live in west Texas, which is very arid and similar to the middle east where they grow naturally. There are growers south of me who said they'd sell me trees, but that they'd never survive the winters here as we go below 30F for extended periods of time. The only place in Texas that they will grow is hot and humid, but not tropical, with average rainfall under 30 inches a year. Where they grow in the middle east, it's hot and humid, but much more dry than the tropics. You could plant them and see, but they may not like extreme humidity or a lot of rainfall.

  2. The Olive (Olea europaea) is a species of small tree in the family Oleaceae, native to the coastal areas of the eastern Mediterranean region, from Lebanon, Syria and the maritime parts of Asia Minor and northern Iran at the south end of the Caspian Sea. Its fruit, the olive, is of major agricultural importance in the Mediterranean region as the source of olive oil.


    Hope It Helps You!

  3. The Tropics are considered unsuitable or marginal for commercial olive groves as they do not allow the trees to rest during winter and thereby reduce their ability to flower and set fruit in Spring. The trees would grow in your area but might produce little or no fruit.

    The cultivars believed to be most suitable for these warm areas include Barouni, Frantoio, Kalamata, Manzanillo. Nevadillo Blanco and Arbequina are also showing good crops in warm winter areas.

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