
Human Anatomy help. Need help on ways to study. Any suggestions?

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Hello Everyone,

I am starting Human Anatomy and I really need some pointers on how to study. The books deal mainly with termenology and memorization. Can someone please help me on ways to make this easier for me. Anything will help. I have a bunch of index cards but I want to put more than just the definition. Thank you in advance for all your help




  1. I used 3 stage flash cards.  I made them out of index cards.  On the front I would put the term and on the back I'd put 3 things: definition, function, and an association (this can vary from card to card ex: with muscles it was insertion and origin).

    I made each of the 3 things worth points and kept my own score and when I hit a certain score (say 1000) points, I rewarded myself with something special.  Incentive!

  2. The first thing to understand is that anatomy is has two components.  There is three dimensional spatial learning when looking at a cadaver and two dimensional spatial learning when looking at a slide or a picture in a book.  Therefore, look at as many pictures and cadavers as possible.  

    The other part is the naming of the organs and body parts.  This can only be done with practice saying the names while looking at the cadavers or the two dimensional pictures.  Index cards with just words will not be a good use of time.

  3. I have been a student of anatomy..i know your problem.

    The best you know is to learn the theory with the diagrams. Use a little imagination. Try to place the things in your mind such as anterior , posterior so on by using some diagrams...and ya... don't know how many would agree ...we are reading about our own human body so i guess it would be much easier to relate to it and learn with a little imagination.  

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