
Human Diversity topics. I promise 10 points?

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I have to write a final paper of choice regarding human diversity. Any other Social Work, Psych, or sociology majors out thier that have ideas please help.




  1. Diversity>?

    Well If I were in your palce i would write that outside, on my corner in patrol, I was just standing there one day. I was bored and  saw a school bus passing. It read "chicago School TRansit" In the next few minutes, I saw another bus pass by, It read SHalom. I knew that was Jewish. I never knew there was a jewish bus. It really caught my attention knowing this world has created specific transportation for many races. Later on, I also asaw an AMerica-Japenese buss. THats what It said on the otuside and it touched em to knwo what dfiversity we havee in this world <3

  2. A useful take on this topic is always the biological imperative for diversity.  Diversity is what makes an species strong.  Species weaken without diversity.  Eco-systems need diversity - we talk a lot of about bio-diversity.  From a social perspective it is not about tolerating diversity, but celebrating it, this is what makes us strong.


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