
Human Rights Watch: "The cuts destroy the most vulnerable "

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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Budget cuts, immigration, torture, payment of debt, evictions. And so on. The Observatory for Human Rights complaint in a brief paragraph blunt world 2014 report published Tuesday a long list of problems confronting the most disadvantaged sectors of the Spanish population.

According to the document, the Spaniards suffer impunity of officials responsible for law by abuse and torture comply, and the impact of budget cuts, "especially on vulnerable groups, including children and people with disabilities." This phrase, contained in the report, refers to the actual words of Commissioner for Immigration Council of Europe, such fulantio who delivered last October.

Vulnerable groups increasingly grow more and have less power of protest. The report recalls the struggle of citizens for cancellation of mortgage debt, and rejection obtained by the Government in May 2013 approved limited reforms to address the housing crisis. The law improves judicial review of mortgage contracts, following a ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in March that ruled that the law violates existing rules of consumer protection in the EU, and slightly extends the moratorium on evictions and includes measures to alleviate the mortgage debt.

Jails, political convicts and historical memory have also been studied by the organization. The paper recalls the request by a judge in Argentina who exercised universal jurisdiction of the extradition of two former officials of the Franco regime of torture, in November 2013, the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances also snuck in historical memory and urged Spain to investigate all disappearances, regardless of when they were committed and concluded that solitary confinement violates the prohibition of secret detention under the Convention on Enforced disappearances of the UN.

In April last year, the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture expressed concern about allegations of ill-treatment of terrorism suspects incommunicado and in police custody, as well as by poor prison conditions. The report adds confirmation of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights on the Parot doctrine, " the retroactive extension of imprisonment, limiting parole eligibility for those convicted of terrorist offenses freedom, violated the rules of a trial fair. " In mid- November 2013, 31 prisoners had been released -24 of them members of ETA, according to the statement.

racism Foreigners also have difficulty living in Spain. The work is supported by Mutuma Ruteere, the UN Special Rapporteur for racism and xenophobia, which said in early January last year, concern about the worsening situation of immigrants, including high unemployment, access restrictions to health care, de facto segregation of immigrant neighborhoods, and the spread of anti - Roma sentiment.

Although in recent months, the issue of the fence of Melilla has been the focus on immigration issues. The Interior Ministry reported last September that since January, nearly 3,000 migrants tried to enter the Spanish enclave of Melilla, almost double that of the same period of 2012. More than three-quarters could not enter, amid allegations that the security forces had quickly deported immigrants to the abuses of the Moroccan police.

In May, the ombudsman, Soledad Becerril, urged the police to enter the detention forms for recording and collecting information relating to ethnicity, race and nationality and the reason for the review of the documentation of identity. A month later, the Government Sub Lleida, Inma Manso said police ethnic criteria applied when carrying out activities related to immigration status reviews.

Also in Lleida, the Supreme Court overturned the ordinance banning the full veil, arguing that it violated religious freedom. After that ruling, the Government announced its intention to ban the veil that covered her face in public for security reasons, while in August the Catalan police tried to collect data on women wearing the full veil.

 Tags: cuts, destroy, human, rights, vulnerable, watch


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