
Human Weak Points?

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OK, I haven't been training in ages but I am going back to work and there could be some d**ks there-I haven't really got the strength or speed to take on them at the moment so do u know any quick moves I can use to take them out by their weak points? I only want moves that cause sprains,intense pressure or cause them to lose balance!

I remember the knee strike but i'm not sure what part of the knee to strike-do u strike from forward, behind or the side (tell me if u can do it for all those positions)

Wrist lock-I know these are painful but I once did it wrong with my mate and it didn't work @ all on him! He said it doesn't work on bigger bones but i'm sure it does- I grabbed the 2 gaps between the hand and forearm joint using my fingers and pulled out to the side-wrong isn't it?!

What else is there- i'm only using this for self defense so don't worry




  1. i agree, judo/jujitsu FTW.  if you want some decent CQC check out some Krav.

  2. I am taking your question as you work in some type of security job, either security guard, bouncer or something along those lines.

    I am going to say i agree 100% with jswentworth on this one, (heck of a shock huh) Judo would probably be the best choice for you, and yes seek qualified instruction, where you can train right, just like he said, the internet is not the place to learn, especially if you will be using it under pressure.

    If Judo is not avalible where you are, Japanese Ju jitsu might also be an option, but Judo would better serve your purpose.

  3. try not to fight if you can, in the mean time, go and do boxing, or kick boxing, these art you can learning quickly and can use them within 2 months, 3 - 4 hours per day. In two months, you will triple your power, triple your speed and reflex. Also, they have sparring and it will help you with timing and distance.

    If you can not avoid a fight before you have a chance to train hard, don't bother with defend and counter attack.

    You will have trouble defending the first punch. As for the 2nd or 3rd, or combinations of punches, you will have zero chance. you get knockout within 2 seconds into engagement.

    Same as trying to do a counter attack. You have not train for it, the chance of you trying to block and counter, or to dodge and counter, you would have a 10% success rate. Most likely, as soon as you deal with the first punch, and before you can to a counter, the 2nd punch is on its way to your face.

    Defending or counter attacks game needs a lot of practice to do them well.

    You best solution is attack. When you are being threaten, and you realize you can not talk you way can read and sense that you are in danger if you don't do something. As he step toward you with 1-1.5m distance between you two. Start to raise your hands to your chin level and 30cm away from your chin with palms open such that he can see your palms. Psychology with showing palms mean you are being honest and have nothing to hide. Start saying this phrase" I am sorry! What can I do to......" (Act like you are scare) As soon as he is in range of your reach, use your  fingers (keep your fingers bent) to jab him in the eyes with your front hand, with your other hand palm him in the nose and then while he got hit or distracted, kick him/ knee him in the balls Once you got him in the balls or that you missed, it does not matter, just don't stop punching him in chin to knock him out. a light hit in the chin would take any one out. but you just have to attack fast and hard on the chin  Put in a few elbows if can know how to do them.

    Don't defend, you attack and let him do the defending. If he start to cover up, kick him groin. If you attack is fast and hard, he have no chance of doing  a counter attack against you and also, he will have a hard time defending himself, he has no time to attack you. so you lower the risk of for yourself. However, if he decide to attack without defending himself, you would have got 3 to 4 hits in. Those 3 or 4 hits to him weak points, like eyes, nose, groin, chin. Any of those land he would be in trouble.

    Advantage of attack first strategy:

    1. you have element of surprise, he did not expect you to attack with your deceptive body language and speech.

    2. Advantage of first strike, which put him on defence from the start and he may not be able to defend himself against you dirty combinations. Practice your dirty combinations. High % of winning statistically with first strike. Also, there is a saying, that the best defence is to attack.

    3. You get to choose what to attack and not just attack any where.

    4. You have a game plan, and his plan just goes out the window because he does not expect you to attack him.

    5. You are no longer the victim, he is. You turn the table and now, he is the victim. You put pressure on him, you checking him, and if he is not skillful he may be checkmated by you.

    train your dirty combinations and speech 50 times with your left a normal stance and 50 times with a southpaw per day in front of mirror if possible. ( don't break the mirror). After a few days, you should be able to do it in a split second. 0.5 of a second.  When he blinks as your hits go to his face, he won't see the groin kick coming. Visualize yourself doing it.

    You have the best chance of wining in a  hands to hands combat using this street fight combinations strategy.

  4. Try buying a copy of this DVD by Geoff Thompson one of my favourate martial artsts and top bouncer..

    I have this in my own personal collection it's the business.

    Best wishes :)***

  5. keep training maybe just avoid fights if you cant beat them. alsowrist locks dont work very well on everyone i know this because they dont work on me.

  6. U wont be fast enough to do anything like that work on speed first then worry about human weak pionts

  7. Not training and not feeling competent causes most people to over react. Get some training in  whatever, or avoid the d%%ks. You may hurt someone unnecessarly or get hurt yourself.

    If you won't take that advice than take Katana's it is sound as any.

  8. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!READ ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well if there's more than one you can use drastic means to defend your self, drastic but not lethal, for instance the groin kick, the first one to attack gets a good foot in to the groin also you should learn some savate here is a good site: practice the second picture alot  because it is very effective for knocking an opponent of balance. Also stay away from face strikes because they're only effective with lots of force and that would no longer be self defense unless they have weapons. Punches to the rib are good though, remember use the top of your knuckles and strike at a downward angle also you can strike their pubic mound, the area above your groin, and this could result in them pissing their pants but if you do it to hard you could rupture their bladder. Just remember if they are just picking a fight and it turns physical you must retain a bit of self control or else you could seriously injure someone or vice versa, you can only use excessive force if they are putting your life in serious danger i.e. they have weapons or they start using excessive force.

  9. Go get some real training. Sounds like Judo might be the best choice for you.

    Unless you are practicing these techniques on a regular basis you won't be able to perform them when you are under pressure in a self defense situation. You need to train regularly against resisting opponents. The internet can not help you.

  10. A fight huh? Interesting!!! My advice is doge and blocks.

    Allow your opponent to grow tired form always attacking then strike and hard. Use your opponents force against him. NO KICKING!!!!! No matter how well trained you are in kicking, your still off- balance, the last thing you want to be while fighting. KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND. Try to keep your opponent off-balanced by staying right up on his feet. Look for openings in your opponent's defence and strike them quick, you won't get a second chance.

    Good luck and kick some @$$

  11. No such thing as a "quick" technique. Even the fast-excuted technique will take hours and hours of practice to pull off. 1) you either fight those jerks at work intellectually and mind bash them or 2) you let them put you in your place.

    The last choice is to enroll in a real school, build the confidence to actually feel good about AVOIDING a fight.

  12. get a knife

  13. Jswent and Katana are correct in my opinion,

    Id take their advice!
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