
Human/alien hybrids?

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Or even clones do you think that aliens are making these,and they are on other planets?




  1. ive just`seen`1 of them`? on                                                         a Question`i asked`Kris`/                                                      begins`with`-(What`Question`                                                  do u want`Resolving`) i got an                                                  ans`from an`MS-America`-asking`                                         me 4a Date`? Trouble is i dont`know`                 wether`its`Male`        or`Female`?

  2. I have two words: Paris Hilton.

  3. There is no credible evidence for space aliens visiting Earth in the first place, so any conjecture about what aliens may be doing with humans is a bit premature. That doesn't mean you can't create fantasy scenarios, though.

  4. no i dont think so.but anything is possible.

  5. dfntly they are!!!we are not alone/n somewhere the civilization is far more intelligent!

  6. Yes...Why Not?....would we humans do the same?  Maybe we already are.

    Ever heard of Indigo Chilren...look it up.

  7. Do you read my answers? NO? ok sorry to bother you

  8. Absolutely anything is possible.

  9. I do believe that there are other beings in the universe, and just because we haven't figured out how to travel long distances doesn't mean they haven't. Seeing as how our scientists are playing around with DNA and making cloned animals, seems reasonable to think that others would do the same. If our scientists discovered life elsewhere don't you think that they would collect DNA and run all sorts of tests on it, including cloning.

  10. Well, making the assumption that aliens have the capability to locate distant planets with intelligent life and the capability of traveling to this planet.

    Also, assuming they have the same biological make up as us, and aren't for example, silicon based lifeforms. (silicon can carry long strands of data in a similar manner as carbon)

    Then assuming they have the same number of chromosomes in the same arrangement, or have found a way to overcome this incompatibility.

    Sure, why not make some cross breeds and bring them home to work as slaves.

  11. They might be into genetics and 'clones' or even just creating a new body from a DNA marker or some such -- so it wouldn't necessarily be a "clone" but using the same DNA combination -- like creating identical twins.

    I believe their DNA would be superior to human DNA.

    However, there could be those races that have failing DNA and do jack some of ours because they're desperate.

  12. who knows...

  13. Alien species do not visit earth, though I am sure there are many out there. Interstellar distances are just too large.

    Even if they did, it would be astoundingly unlikely that any alien species could create hybrids with humans. We cannot create human-chimpanzee hybrids and we share 99% of our DNA with them. We don't even know if alien species have DNA-based biology.
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