
Human-caused planetary emergency or hoax?

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Are we living life on the frontlines of global change?

Is this the legacy we want to leave our children?

From Andy Revkin's "Global Meltdown" article July/August 2007




  1. yes, we are doing it every day

  2. scaring the kids future with doom and gloom is not funny

  3. If we don't life flight our environmental policies & attitudes to the E.R. stat we'll all be D.O.A.

  4. emergency.


    no. (well, glad i haven't got any, i am worried enough for my nieces.)

    wake up people!

  5. Why are you citing an Leftists politically active organization?

    Is this your political viewpoint?

    Can you understand that for 10 years global temperatures are flat or falling while CO2 levels keep rising - see graph:

    This disproves the CO2 greenhouse gas 'Forcing Theory'.

    Can you even deal with this?

    Edit:  YES AARP is definitely Leftists - Hate Bush, promotes bigger government, supports leftists causes, etc. etc.!

    You obviously can't deal with the fact that temperatures have NOT followed the increasing CO2 levels.  

    CO2 is NOT an evil GHG that is increasing because of man's activity. The warming oceans expel the beneficial CO2 and when oceans cool enough the CO2 levels will DROP!

    You will not read this - but for the sake of other misinformed children:

    "The Relationship of the PDO to El Nino and La Nina Frequency"

    Warming oceans are driven by the Sun's emissions with a lag time of several months - expect cooling temperatures!

  6. Beings many of the same global warming scientist are now saying we are going back to a ice age then I would say hoax. Who in there right minds can believe any of them? They can't even predict tomorrows weather let alone the global future

  7. We sure, are last summer here in South Australia  we broke all history records for all summer ever recorded so I'm thinking now ,OK ,so its not a ice age in Australia its going to be shocking heat like we have never known before in the States its looking like more storms and tornado destruction as is happening now and for the last few years.

    We thought our drought was over but it looks like we have had as much rain as we are going to get so everyone is trying to get a water tank or recycle water off garages and the roofs unfortunately the run off into barrels isn't for drinking for need to have a proper rain water tank that cost well over $1.000 not good for pensioners

  8. I do believe there is an emergency but it is not global warming but pollution.  Especially in the big cities, smog is causing a lot of respiratory diseases and affecting young children and the elderly.   It is a little presumptuous of some scientists to say it is manmade global warming and I have listed some sources below.  Check out Dr. Singer and other climatologists on this.

  9. Yes , we are responsible for damaging the life habitat / over all environment in most brutal manner ignoring the future of the planet that we are to hand out to our next generation. If we don't put a check on preserving the ozone layer which has already been damged to a great extent threatening the balance of environment, we are definitely heading for the worst.

    I believe, we should jointly do the job ......the worst has been done already by the developed countries who are now now simply blaming pointing fingers at  this or that country. Fact is , greater responsibility must be shouldered  by the rich countries in creating awareness among the developing nations with resources which they don't have .....with some expertise which they lack. President Bush's statement " the Kyoto Protocol is against the US interest and hence the US is no longer a party to this"> It was really a stupid statement from the head of the world's  most advanced country . His ignorance has no limit also , his sense of gravity of the matter.What's the harm if we create a more healthy environment for the living ones on this planet ?> Why do people keep arguing that "this isn't a fact". . The present science has reached such an advancement that we can easil measure how much damage has already been caused and what more will happnen if things go unchecked.

    World population has to be controlled , environment has to be improved through joint effort of all.......this is not the time to enter into debates on ........ ''correct or not that global warming is a threat to us ....our climate , vegetation , various surviving species of today......and that we are responsible for the damage and that we can definitely improve this."

  10. There are plenty of reasons to disbelieve that climate change is the fault of mankind.  Normal history fluctuations of temperatures for which current temperatures fit the normal cycle, is one reason.  Another reason is that we are in the beginning of a cooling cycle that has come right on time - also part of the normal heating/cooling cycle.

    But the religion of Global Warming is put together in such a way that anything that happens will fit their beliefs.  If the temperatures continues to climb, then it is proof that Global Warming in true.  If temperatures stay the same it is proof that efforts taken thus far are starting to work and justifies further effort.  Most odd, after the current cooling tread is finally noticed by the media, it will be proof of Global Warming because of the theory of desalination in the North Atlantic which is supposed to be caused by Global Warming.

    The Church of Global Warning has all the bases covered!

  11. I don't think we want to leave a legacy of inflated oil/ethanol/energy/food prices and deforestation/excess water consumption/excess gas consumption (to grow ethanol crops), and global taxes to them either.

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