I know "reverse evolution" is not a valid scientific statement, because evolution in essence has no direction. Yet, I can't help but using it in the layman's language to signify something related.
Developing societies have much higher birth rates than modern societies, this would usually be tempered with high death rates, but as medical technology improves/becomes more available, more and more people will be kept alive even though they are on the margins of society. This will sustain a continual population increase from developing nations, but modern societies will continue to depopulate (as most are, if they don't have lots of immigration). Isn't this a downward spiral, with no recourse? I know that people in developing countries are not "genetically" inferior to us, but sexual selection and culture are the main factors for reproductive success. Does this imply that humans are destined for self-sustaining mediocrity, or am missing the big picture?