
Human extinction?

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are humans going to be extinct in the year 2012 ?




  1. Only if we continue global warming and everything else.

  2. the prophetic date of 2012 never meant the end of the world

    All were mistranslations ,the texts said the end of an Age

    the Age of piscis ,(the age of jesus )he would be with us to the end of the age

    Then we go into a new age ,

    The age of Aquarius


    this movie explains the misconceptions in detail

    step into the light

    But a future with Humanity or civilization,as we know it, may well be ahead of us

    If there is  nuclear War .or we have drastic climatic ,or Global upheaval

    The greatest danger for any specie of going into extinction apart from the above ,is when there are too few ,or when there are too many ,so that we will breed ourselves into an unsustainable situation when there are more people than cabbages .disease usually follows

    History has enough proof of that

    and we are going in that direction.

  3. Not likely. 3012, perhaps, but we do not have a good handle on an event that would cause extinction.

    Aids, if it becomes very widespread at low viral levels, could overcome the barriers we can set up to slow it down, and so might cause extinction. This is the example of a disease that might be better left killing us rather than having it spread at low intensity. But it is likely to take a lot longer than 4 or 5 years.

    Some asteroid coming? I believe we would know about this already if it were to arrive by 2012.

  4. we wait and see

  5. Yea, we are esposed to, but then again we were esposed to like 100 times before.

  6. ummm no!

  7. You can never tell with certainty what the future will bring.Anything is possible.One thing i am sure of is if human extinction does occur it will not just "drop out of the sky" or out of nowhere.

  8. I think it would be good for the planet because it would give time for the environment to re-grow and it would give a chance for animals to re-produce instead of being hunted and getting extinct.

  9. K that's a Mayan prediction. The Mayans were total savages, they had seasonal human sacrifice, blood lettings, and pretty much the blackest magiks you can find. You have to ask yourself why people ignore the source, yet seem to take their findings. Makes no sense.

  10. Yes and No.

  11. no sip dhit, we're scheduled for 2009

  12. some people said that the end of the world will be on 2012... i don't know.. but from wat i can see, global warming's becoming worse and as tym goes by, there won't be sny water and humans need water.. humans are composed of 70% of water...  

    My answer is "Yes"

  13. Theory says that we are way due for an extinction.. If you want more of this 2012. I would recommend you to read Apocalypse 2012. It gives you all scientific facts en stuff..

  14. It seems you are referring to the Mayan Calendar which ends on Dec. 21, 2012.  No one knows why the Mayans decided to end their calendar on this date, but it is supposedly the end of the Age of Pisces.

    I do not believe we will be extinct and no one knows if something might happen or not. I do think the eve before Dec. 21, 2012, will be treated alot like the Y2k scare and celebrated like the millenium.

    If you are worried about 2012, then maybe you should start preparing just in case.

  15. No not that early ! we might go extinct after that because of the ice age, no ozone , nuclear war or just starvation because of over population. there is definetly no way that we will die that early!

  16. That my friend is the answer only God knows... scientist say that in the year 2040 a asteriod/ comet may crash into earth and wipe out human existence... dont worry we have nukes and rockets to blast it off but if that doesnt work escape underground, DO NOT GO OUTSIDE because you will burn to death and after months/ years of h**l (with good food supply) we will have an ice age (keep lots of cool clothes with! if not for you DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN!) lol....
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