
Human have soul inside them so how can they possibly be cloned?

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Human have soul inside them so how can they possibly be cloned?

this question go out to the people that believe in god, because I am very confused




  1. easy they play ami winehouse songs instead.

  2. Are you kidding me? Cloning only changes the humans physical traits. For example, lets say your dad wanted to clone himself. He chose you to be his clone. What the scientists do then is extract your dna from the nucleus and replace it with spliced dna of your father. You will still end up being yourself, but looking like your dad. Cloning can't be done without fertilizing an egg with sperm, so then, you still would be a real person since you underwent fertilization.

  3. where were humans cloned??? its not done and never will be..

  4. good point.

    People can't play god, there are certain things in a human body that just simply can not be clones. What will they do if something goes wrong and the clone doesn't die and can't be killed or something?

  5. we can't, and never will, make a clone of a human. if science ever achieved anything even close to a human clone, it would not have a soul. it could never have a soul, because it would have been created by man, not by God. only God can put the blessing of a soul and free will into a body. without it, the person would be just that: a lifeless, soulless body with no chance of salvation. and what is life without the salvation of Christ?

  6. I am here to answer questions about Royalty.I don't believe this question has anything to do with it.

  7. Saying they don't have a soul is terrible! Of course they would! The DNA strands were still made by God, not man, if you want to get into all that. I'll be terribly worried if they do ever make a human clone, because of all the issues it'll bring up...because if it 'doesn't have a soul' according to some people...then what's preventing us from doing experiments on them? and using them as slaves etc?  I think, since no one can absolutely be sure, you should believe they do...then everyone will keep their morals. :)

  8. god will provide...

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