
Human health/ demography in hunter gatherers and early agriculturalists?

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According to bioarchaeological data how did patterns of human health and demography differ between hunter gatherers and early agricultualists?




  1. There exists no present consensus on this matter.

  2. im not sure about demography, but hunter gatherers traveled from area to area to follow the animals that they hunted. early agricultalists had one place as home, and they domesticated animals and used irrigation to produce their own food.

  3. Agriculture seems to produce a lower health standard.

    Living in one place means the resources are often used up and more effort is required to bring wood and water in. Also disposal of waste is a major problem. Too often the water become contaminated and illness follows.

    Many grains need to be ground to make then edible. Stone dust from the grinding process remains in the food and increases tooth wear. Once the tooth is down to the gum line, abscesses and pain follow.

    Bad crops will lead to periodic famine with resulting bone problem in children.

    Cavities increase due to rise in carbohydrate consumption with more sugar in the foods.

  4. The sedimentation of our activities have given way to some extremely lethargic behaviors and also has removed the halters that held demographic situations at bay, like the abundant deaths relegated to the hunter gatherer lifestyle.

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