
Human origins traced back to .......this particular tribe in Africa......., plz help?

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I am doing some study on evolution leading up to human society, however I'm missing something I know I should know, and its at the very tip of my tongue....Anyways it relates to a recent study (recent meaning within this decade), anyway it basically traces human origins to a area in Africa inhabited by a tribe, I think is called(through translation) the Sun or something tribe, I know the actually tribe name started with a T, but I may be mistaken..I really need the name of this tribe, either the actual name before translation or the translation, please help




  1. The San bushmen of the Kalahari, probably. They have the most diverse founder Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA, indicating the greatest age.

    Some images here.

    Originally they were up in the Ethiopia/Nile area, but were driven South By West Asians and west Africans appearing in Ethiopia about 20,000 years ago, and further marginalised  by the expansion of the farming Bantu tribes from about 5,000 years ago.

  2. You might be thinking of the "mitochondria Eve" theory. It says that we can trace the mitochondria line back to one woman that lived in Africa.

    "this is where the confusion sets in. ...The evidence didn't suggest a single woman living in isolation from members of her own species. What it suggested was a genetic bottleneck – a period in human history when the population was so small that the genetic expressions of a single woman could have an impact on all humans living on the planet today.

    She didn't live alone – she would have lived within a community. She didn't just pump babies out, either. There is no reason to suppose that she had more than one female child. But there is reason to suppose that whatever female children she had, they contained specific advantages for survival over the rest of the population."

    The theory has numerous critics. The sample size, collection of DNA etc, etc. all have problems

  3. I don't know what tribe it is, but this is impossible to do. Trace our origins. It sounds like bull.What did god just put an African tribe on the map and let it just grow. Personanlly I have a hard time ythinking Very black skin could  ebvolve into fair skin. I am not a rascist but I believe whiote was the first race because You can't un tan, but you can tan to be darker. ANyways I really don't believe that either. I beleive we were created to be what we are. Though I don't believe in Adam and Eve bull or anything like that.

  4. !Kung San Bushmen?

    Click-speaking people?

    Haplogroup L-1...

  5. They haven't done it to a tribe, but they have looked at DNA material all over the globe and found that we can all trace our genetics to 4 human females.  There obviously were many many others, but those of us who survived to present day can trace our DNA back to those.

    They had a special on Nova or Discovery about it.  Actually two shows so far on the results of the genetic testing done round the world.

  6. I've seen a documentary on this. Sorry, I don't recall the name of the group (though your details lead me to think T-Sun or something).

    The show was called The Journey of Man -- you might try searching for that title, and see if you can find it.

    It was a show by a genetics guy, who sort of followed the paths of humans as they spread out from East Africa.

    Tsun? Sorry, but try PBS.

  7. Here is one African tribe begining with "t"

    Turkana ( from Kenya)

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