
Human papaloma virus?

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how long does a person have it before you show signs or develop cervical cancer /symptoms and is it only sexually transmitted you cant get it any other way p.s no jack a** replies




  1. I have HPV. High Risk. I cant really tell you how long it takes to show up since I was Positive in the first pap smear i did. I had been sexually for couple of years. I have precancerous cells... I have to go every 3 months for the next 5 years to keep an eye on it since it can develop into Cervical Cancer. But remember not all give girls cervical cancer or warts. Some do some don't. There are over 100 different types of HPV and 4 of those give you Cervical Cancer. Also, the doctor told me that they body can fight the virus off if your body/ immune system is strong. So make sure you eat healthy, exercise, and take vitamins. It can take from 6 months to 2 years or you can have it forever. But to answer you question...I'm not a doctor so i cant really say how long you been having it doctor told me there is no way they can know how long i been having it for. But if you been doing yearly pap smears and It just came out positive maybe your husband did cheat on you.  

  2. They say that the virus can live dormant in your body for 2-5 years but who knows it probably can live longer without being detected. It is known as the latency period it stays very weak therefore the pap smears and std panels can not pick it up until it grows stronger. Often, there are no symptoms of an HPV infection and the body clears the infection on its own over the course of a few years . Some people never know they were infected. In fact, research has found that about 90% of women infected with HPV virus show no traces of the virus within two years.

    A very healthy diet, constant exercise and activity, and lack of stress can help rid yourself of HPV.

    I know 2 women that one has been with only her husband for 5 years and found out this year she had it, and another for 3 years and just found out. So 8 years would not surprise me, it's definitely on the higher end of dormancy but it can happen.

    HPV is not considered a "cheating" virus. Just because you just found out doesn't mean your partner cheated on you.

  3. well hpv viruses can live in your body dormat for up tp five most likely your husband now gave it to you.....
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