
Human physical characters affected by the environment include: height, build, and skin tone.?

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True or False?




  1. yes:

    diet from environment affects (or is it effects?) height and build.

    You skin tone is affected by the environment from the sun where you live, but skin tone could stil be inherited

  2. I think what you are so painfully trying to ask is: What human physical characteristics are affected by the environment?

    The answer is all of them. As long as man is controlled by his environment, that environment will determine what man looks like, including skin color and eye shape.

    However, once man has tamed his environment he will no longer have to adapt physically to it.

  3. true, we may all be humans but we are different species of human.  africans are darker to protect them from the sun, they have larger noses (though i havent figured out why) and bigger lips, asians are small and have the charactaristic eyes i think for the wind, though thats just what ive heard, the ones in the north have white hair and white skin though i dont know why, i think its cuz of the frequent snow.  basically we are all built for where we were supposed to live.

  4. True.

    If an incorrect diet is eaten, build and height could be impaired. Skin tone depends on many things, such as a tan.

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