
Human population is a problem?

by Guest66269  |  earlier

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When the bison buffalo were wipped out, they were thought to be a problem. Only because the cattle had no place to feed.

But if you look at the bio-mass compared to what it was 150 years ago, has it really changed? So if there are more humans today, is it really a problem other than biodiversity?




  1. are you for real

    overpopulation is the primary cause of all the world problems

    polution,desertification,watershortage ,food shortage ,deforrestation,loss of animal habitat ,you name it

    people use and need land,so more and more is being changed to accomodate human growth and devellopment

    the necessary flora ,which permits life as we know it, is disappearing.

    Eco-systems are being exchanged for desserts , concrete or roads.

    An environmentally destructive wave is in motion, caused by expanding populations,and expanding agriculture

    an increase in desserts definately affects the global climate and is for a large part responsible for the climate change we are experiencing now

    World population has doubled in the last 50 years exceeding the growth of 4 million years (since we became homo sapiens).

    To satisfy the growing demand farmers are cultivating unstable lands , too steep or dry to be sustainable.

    Mono cultures ,aided by chemicals Exhaust and pollutes the soil .

    Adding to this the effects of overgrazing has resulted in large scale desertification.

    Each year billions of tons of topsoil are blown or washed away by storms.

    Arable lands and their farms are lost all over the globe. Many farmers sons abandon farming and head for the cities. The farmers that are left have to feed some 70 million more people than the year before but with less topsoil.

    Northern China is drying up, what once were millions of food producing people,

    are now hungry refugees ,running for their lives from the all consuming dust storms.

    This will have a great effect on world food prices when they start buying at what ever cost, to feed their people.

    Over the last half century,

    Population growth & rising incomes have tripled world grain demand from 640 million tons to 1,855 million

    In the near future the global farming community will not be able to feed every body ,food prices will continue to rise. .


    at a meeting in Kopenhagen in 1998 it was suggested to bring the world population down by 60%,one cannot help but wonder at how this would be archieved

    population control in the past and present

    War (past .present and future)

    Natures way disease(today,past and future)

    Manufactured disease(suspected today)

    cures that kill(suspected today)

    poisoned consumer goods (suspected today)

    making children infertile or g*y,by raising the PH level in drinking water or even drinks (suspected today)

    birth control,(in the past the Olmecs women ate yams to make them infertile,today we have several methods but most reach only the educated ,i handed out condoms to an native Mazatecca comunity in oaxaca ,and the church retrieved them all )

    education on birth control(not enough,again the poor regions are excluded )

    laws that limit childbirth per family(China

    human sacrifice,may be the best option (Mayas ,Aztecs,druids)


  2. Population growth in 20th Century

    1900 - 1.5 Bn

    1960 - 3.0Bn

    2000 - 6.0Bn

    It is doubling every 50 (40 - 60) years.  Will it reach 12.0Bn by 2050, or 24.0Bn by 2100?  If not. what will stop it?

    In the discipline of Population dynamics there are thee density dependant  factors which control populations.




    For humans, predation can bee seen as war and crime.

    If we do not find a rational and humane way to control our population, nature will do it for us and it will be far from pleasant

  3. i think so, the more humans there are the more trouble they cause and create.

    if we roamed as animals then there would be little to worry about but we create townc,cities etc which in turn results in waste and pollution. people start wars, poison the planet and will eventually move on to destroy other planets when this one can no longer sustain life to the quality humans desire

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