
Humane treatment for horses?

by  |  earlier

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I felt obligated to report a farm to animal control the other day, in which there are horses that are in poor shape. After showing them picture evidence and after answering a few questions, the told me there was nothing they could do. They did pay a visit, and I am not sure what they saw, but they informed me of a legal issue. They said that if a person has a vet, even if the horses are dropping dead from starvation, if she is following her vets protocol, then they cannot act. This woman happens to be dating her vet, and he keeps several of his horses out there in poor shape. I would think that it is a question of him being biased with no regard for the welfare of many of the animals. I am very worried about a mare with a foal at her side out there, and was wondering if there is any other route other than animal control? I had helped this woman out for years, and this does it... it is a "nonprofit" in NC. Any suggestions? Pics are here:




  1. You could try the humane society to see what they might be able to do, if they cannot do anything, they may be able to direct you in the right direction. That is a real shame to see this, and it sickens me to see this, that is such a shame. Try state animal rescue, see what they can do. Do not stop until someone does something, and make sure to let them know her vet is her boyfriend, that may make a difference, of course he will not want her to get into trouble, but he may not realize he may also be in trouble if the right people get involved, keep pushoing,do not stop, you will regret it later, if anything happens to these dear horses. And god bless you for caring enough to do something about it, email me please, we can chat about this, and first thing Monday I will be calling people to see what else you can do to stop this.

  2. this just makes me mad that authorities never step up to  do what is right. but at  least you are...i say you keep contactind other local authorities, and i f it comes down to it, get a group of people or maybe a petition to put pressuree on the vet and animal control to help the horses.

    hope it helps

  3. I can think of a couple of things to try........

    Call PETA

    Call every TV station you can find

    Call your county sherriff & explain the situation

    Call your county DA or Proscecuting Attorney

    Call your newspapers

    MAKE NOISE!!!!!!!!

  4. Boy...that's crappy to use your 'profession' to hide behind.  He's going to give other vet's a bad name and cause other vets to be doubted when they advise that an animal is under a vet's care.

    Call local TV and see if they will do a 'story' on the local non-profit horse rescue.  Call the local paper and ask if they are interested in a local story.  Take photos and post them around town as flyers...make some noise.

    I am AGAINST calling PETA.  They are nut jobs and cause way more problems than are already here.  They are radical and terroristic in their activities.  Don't expect them to just stop with the horses you are concerned will get out of control with them.

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