
Humanities questions

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(Points: 5)

What architectural feature distinguishes the Islamic dome from the Byzantine dome?

a. the minaret dome

b. Masjid-i Jami dome

c. The Melon Dome

d. the Great Mosque of Kairouan Dome


What is a clerestory?

a. openings to let in light

b. stained glass

c. two rows of parallel columns

d. where ceremonies were held

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(Points: 5)

Who was born in the city of Mecca?

a. Abu Bakr

b. Muhammad

c. Muawiyah

d. Saladin

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(Points: 5)

Who wrote the Consolation of Philosophy?

a. Boethius

b. Theodora

c. Charlemagne

d. Justinian

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(Points: 5)

The Hagia Sophia was intended to awe the worshipper with what twin majesties?

a. God and the chief queen

b. the king and queen

c. God and the emperor

d. the emperor and his prince

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(Points: 5)

What problems was the Roman empire having when Diocletian became emperor?

a. urban population was declining

b. army payroll draining the state treasury

c. A new religion, Christianity, was threatening

d. all of the above

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(Points: 5)

What allows the Hagia Sophia dome to be supported over a square base?

a. pendentives

b. the Greek Cross floor plan

c. arches

d. post and lentils

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(Points: 5)

Who invented paper?

a. the Arab Spanish

b. the Syrians

c. the Christian Europeans

d. the Chinese

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(Points: 5)

What Church inspired Charlemagne's Royal chapel?

a. Hagia Sophia

b. Constantine's Basilica

c. Sta. Maria Maggiore

d. San Vitale

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(Points: 5)

Who made Cairo, Egypt the new center for Islam from 1165 to 1250?

a. Muawiyah

b. Muhammad

c. Saladin

d. The Crusaders

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(Points: 5)

Under what rulers did Muslim instrumental music win its freedom?

a. Seljuk Turks

b. The Spanish

c. Mongol sultans

d. the Umayyad

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(Points: 5)

Rome's Eastern Empire was called the...

a. Classical Empire

b. Medieval Empire

c. Byzantine Empire

d. Greek Empire

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(Points: 5)

What is structure is an example of a teaching mosque?

a. Ibn Tulun mosque

b. the Masjid-i Jami

c. Dome of the Rock

d. the Alhambra mosque

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What church father believed that knowledge of the classics was necessary in the new world

a. St. Ambrose

b. St. Augustine

c. St. Joan

d. St. Jerome

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(Points: 5)

The Byzantine style grew from what sources?

a. Greek, Oriental, German

b. French, German, Asian

c. Roman, Oriental, Greek

d. Asian, Spanish, Islamic

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(Points: 5)

What is Muhammad's flight called?

a. Kaaba

b. Medina

c. Hegira

d. movement

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(Points: 5)

What has arms of equal length?

a. pendentives

b. the Byzentine style

c. The Christian Cross

d. the Greek Cross

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(Points: 5)

What old policy did Diocletian reverse?

a. He reversed a policy to include slave wealth in the census

b. Now included women and their wealth in the census

c. made all children join the army

d. reversed the no women in the military policy

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(Points: 5)

What was the structure that Constantine built?

a. attic

b. basilica

c. an atrium

d. a nave

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(Points: 5)

What did the Edict of Milan do?

a. Stopped the Great Persecution

b. took political power from the Christian churches

c. allowed Bishops to pay Roman taxes




  1. These might help:

    4. - a. Boethius

    7. - pendentives

    8. - What method?

    9. - d. San Vitale

    10. - Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb

    12. - c. Byzantine Empire

    13. - The Red Mosque

    14. - b.

    15 - Architecture or Art?

    16. - Arabic for "flight" is "hijrah"

    17. - crux immissa quadrata

    19. Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Old Saint Peter's Basilica

    20. - d.  proclaimed religious toleration

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