
Humanity came from it true?

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someone told me that they had dismissed that theory, is it true?




  1. It's mostly true, but...

    They've found modern human remains outside of Sub Saharan Africa just as old as the oldest ones in Africa at Jebel Irhoud in Morocco. Also, some in China that are nearly as old as that, in Luijang.

    Also, they haven't really eliminated Neanderthals and Homo Erectus as minority contributors to our gene pool. They've found three very ancient ( significantly genetically separated from the standard African) X chromosome types that can't be explained by the 'out of Africa theory'. One is mostly Asian, one's mostly European, and one's specific to Mbuti pygmies.You don't find the Asian and European ones anywhere in Africa.

    There's also a problem with tracing our population by using mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomes, as they may have slowly spread by natural selection, rather than as being carried along neutrally by population movements the way junk DNA is.

  2. Jared and Mathi are correct.  And High Tide, too!

  3. well.

    although it is still unknown.

    they say that they came from africa because to this date.

    the oldest fossil of a early person was found in africa.

    they have found more, but not as old as the one that was found in africa.

    that is why they have that theory.

    if we were to find another one, older then that one in the us or somewhere else.

    then the theory would change. =]

  4. Lorraine, I am a true believer so  I believe in the word of God !The enemy has been putting stuff in peoples minds since he was banished to earth for wanting to steal almighty God of his glory ! Honest sweety I was just thinking of you ! Are you well ? Have you said the lords prayer so you will have an open line to the lord all day ? That is what I do, that way every little sin or bad thought that may cross my mind can be repented for and forgivin as the day goes by ! You are a blessing and in Jesus name I love you !   Kenny M.

  5. The answer is that humanity did come from Africa.

  6. no

  7. that is false, it came from the alaska

  8. Supposedly, human beings all desended from an ape named Luci...if you believe all that...

  9. There will always be people dismissing any theory.  Beware when anyone tells you "THEY say this, or THEY say that.  Or "SCIENTISTS think..."

    The fossil and genetic evidence points to an African origin for the earliest hominids and to modern humans, although there are some paleoanthropologists who believe that modern humans evolved from archaic humans simultaneously across Africa and Asia because of gene flow (interbreeding across great distances).  The out of Afric hypothesis has not been dismissed by the majority of experts.  Quite the contrary.

  10. Yes that's what I heard in Physical Science Class.

  11. anatomically modern humans evolved in Africa, as did most other homonid species that predated us.  They spread out and replaced the previous homo erectus species, Neanderthal species, etc that had already migrated out of Africa.

    fossils of anatomically modern humans have been found earlier in africa than anywhere else, not to mention that most of the early hominid species found were found in africa (except for homo erectus and neaderthal, which were also found elsewhere, but had their origins in Africa as well)

  12. yes. The first wave of evolution according to Darwin started in Africa.

  13. Homo erectus ("Upright Man") was the first hominid to leave Africa. His existence dates from 1.6 million years ago to perhaps 200,000 years ago. However, recent discovers have suggested that isolated populations may have existed even later.

    Early discoveries of Homo Eretus remains were variously named Peking Man, Java Man and Heidelberg Man. His range was all of Africa, most of Europe and as far East as China. Sites in California have been suggested as containing Homo erectus finds. No one had satisfactorily explained how the vast distance from China to California was crossed.

    Homo eretus used stone tools made by the Acheuliam process. This mainly produced a hand ax, a fist sized piece of rock that tapered to a point. The hand ax was suitable to be used as an ax, a knife, scrapper, or to dig roots.

    Camps are identified by the remains of the stone tools and the debitage (debris) left from their making. Bones, and stone circles also identify the camps. Inside the stone circles, believed to be the remains of huts made of hides or bush, are found hearths. Fire use is shown by the reddish color of the soil plus the remains of burned material (carbon products)

          There is disagreement about where modern humans come from. It's between the 'out of Africa" and "regional" groups.

           "Out of Africa" maintains humans developed there and, like Homo E spread out into the world. The "regional" point of view is that modern humans developed in several areas and blended together. Take your pick as there's no consensus either way.

  14. I would have said, Pangaea, only the earliest humanoid fossils have been discovered in Africa.

  15. There is an abundance of fossil, cultural (tools), and genetic (mitDNA, Y chromosome, satellite DNA) that all point towards a single origin of humans from Africa. While it is only a hypothesis, it is all but a theory considering how overwhelming the evidence is for it.

  16. The oldest skeletal remains were found in Africa.

  17. Maybe so, but if it did, so did inhumanity.

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