
Humanity in general, are we stupid?

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Humanity in general, are we stupid?




  1. depends we have a litle of everything we act stupid but were not we know what we do right and wron that means that we are smart ahhhaaha

  2. No Humanity is not stupid but we can do stupid things ~~

  3. not always

  4. No.  Don't focus on the negative; look to our accomplishments and have faith in that.

  5. No,we are not.

    If it where so, you wouldn't be bothered asking this question now and there would be no means for you to communicate it to the rest of the world as well.

    Thanks for asking

  6. in some ways

  7. no the human mind is expanding every day, evry peice of information we take in forces our brains to hold in everything, basically things are just getting more complex and difficult, people say they would've hated to have been the first people on earth because life was so simple but in fact we wouldn't know any better but now we can look back on it now we do,

    SO no were getting smarter in fact.

  8. NO

  9. Not stupid, just so incredibly vain enough to believe that we are the center of the universe. Certainly we're not as smart or complicated as we think we are.

  10. Of course we are. Most of us are oblivious to our own faults, we all live in own realities.Together. Most of us act and react on basic animal instincts to naviagte our ways through life. We rationalize messed up stuff we have done and reward ourselves for stuff that wasnt that great. Most of us are basers and therefore non thinkers  i. e. stupid.

  11. Humans are those who dominate over all species on earth. That might imply that humans are smart, but 'smarter' doesn't necessarily mean 'smart'.

    Though you can think about it from another angle. Up until now, no one happened to take over the humans. The matter how movies gave the impression or the thought that aliens are smarter than us, we've never seen aliens (or at least they haven't conquer Earth yet). So up until now, we're the smartest. That's what's between humans and aliens (if they existed).

    From another way, you can think about it. Humans and animals. It's very obvious in this division that humans are much smarter. Maybe animals sometimes have the same emotions of humans'. They love, hate, get sad and furious, but they never really acted on those emotions except with the ways they were born with. They only react according to their instincts and their natural powers. Nevertheless, humans never stopped at the line of instincts and bodily strengths, but developed and created machines and technology to help them survive and defend themselves for instance.

    That might be a proof for human intelligence. Yet, humans are not the smartest. That's simply because they aren't the stupidest. There is always more of everything. That 'more' when it comes to intelligence, might be related to a leader over humans (whether that leader was a god or else). We're smart, but we're definitely not the smartest.

    Edit: Sometimes humans act on less smart ways. Like taking fast decisions or taking the wrong decision on wrong basis. That also doesn't make them stupid, but only emotional. Sometimes emotions affect humans more than thoughts and analysis, but that's only natural.

  12. I have to say   YES.

  13. aha...sometimes, maybe a little bit

    but in general, no

  14. Yes. We destroy everything. We have 'good' purposes, but always tend to overlook more important stuff.

  15. Incredibly so, any who deny or refute this fact is delusional.

  16. If we are generally stupid, then we would be in no position to make that judgment.

  17. There were the First and Second world wars which caused the deaths of millions of soldiers and innocent citizens. As though that were not enough, then came the Vietnam, Korean wars, and the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    But we cannot say the whole of humanity decided upon these wars. It was those leaders and top politicians of the countries who wanted them. Fortunately they belong only to a small percentage of humanity and they are the ones that were stupid, not the majority of us.

    And in peace, we find that most of our students and workers are sensible and intellectually capable. We can conclude convincingly that humanity in general isnt stupid. Those few who make grave and fatal errors for the majority of humanity are really the foolish ones who shouldnt be there in responsible positions, in  the first place...

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