
Humans and Apes of different species are living side by side today.?

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Why then, is it so hard to visualise Humans and Apes living side by side, two or three, or even ten million years ago. There is some evidence for this ( although evidence is not proof whichever side you are on) which requires further investigation.




  1. *Sirius*,   You're RIGHT ON!!

    There's no way we evolved from an Ape, nor a "common ancestor" with an Ape.  There is even less unequivocal mediatory fossil evidence to support or prove the theory of evolution, than there is evidence to support that a omnipotent, caring, protecting, master of the universe, God, created us, whose human type weaknesses and failures are, instead, clearly evident, in all the human suffering we experience on a daily basis.

    All the evidence that surrounds us and our origin, is clearly pointing to 'intelligent involvement'.  It is far more feasible to imagine very advanced life (possibly millions of years older) on other planets, out of the trillions and trillions, out there in the universe, that should well have solved the mysteries of  space travel and enjoy massive age spans, than to try to accept the very unlikely and unsupported stories of a wonderful, Divine, perfect murderer of a God of the Creationists or the "goo to you" fantasy of the Evolutionists.

    (Just a tiny tip of a massive iceburg!!)

    (OK you evo's and creao's,  Let's have your 'thumbs down' now.  That's about your limit!!).



    What part of evolution or creationism, regarding the origin of us humans, ISN'T imaginery?  That's the whole point, not only is it a whole load of fantastic nonsense, but there's NOT ONE scrap of "Unequivoval", HUMAN, mediatory fossil evidence, out of the mountains so far collected, available, that is CRUCIAL to the support of the theory of evolution of Humankind.

  2. There seems to be a progression in the hominid line that suggests that we don't go back tens of millions of years. We know Neanderthals are very much like Heidelbergensis which is very similar to some of the earlier erectus.  We have genetic evidence from Neanderthals so it makes the lineage back to erectus very plausible.  It gets a bit murky before that and you can't include every animal called erectus into the modern human lineage but it is very strong evidence that we evolved from similar species and probably a lineage of erectus.  The early erectus 2 million years ago had much smaller brains so the evidence is compelling that we were significantly different 2 million years ago.  Logic follows that we shared an ancestor with chimps about 5 million years ago that was essentially an ape.   We still need to investigate it because the fossil evidence is way to scarce to make any exact reliable pronouncements.

  3. "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a rgh to be here...." - Desiderata

  4. There is vast evidence for it. Not just from fossils, but also from other angles. But people who are in denial are not interested in honestly looking at evidence, nor accepting the findings of the experts. Whether it be evolution, global warming, smoking or whatever, they are only interested in defensive short-cuts in thinking that give them the answer they want. Hence you get "if we came from apes then why do apes still exist" which is obviously idiotic to anyone who thinks about if for 10 seconds. Or plain, with their eyes shut, "there is no evidence". In short, it's hard to visualise because they don't want to visualise it.

  5. If we came from Apes then Apes would not be alive, This is why Alien Beings who look like us came from another planet and created us in thier images.

  6. you've been to Newcastle haven't you?

  7. where did you get the idea that apes & various types of humans & pre human homonids didnt coexist & sometimes compete just as we do now?

    the fossil record shows a great number of primates of many different types coexisting (some of them bipedal) since primates first appeared.

  8. They probably did.  I see no reason why the species couldn't have co-existed in the distant past.

  9. i dont think it is ok, apes r irresponciple, they do things and u cant judge them, while humans wl have to accept that , but just a minut , i think thos is the case now a days, dont u ?? : )

    so i think we dont realy need any other apes as long as we have enough of them : )

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