
Humans are Omnivores, Plus is there any good Vege pasta based dishes?

by Guest58494  |  earlier

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It's a personal choice to be a vegitarian etc.

Humans are Omnivores, Not Carnivores or Herbivores, Omnivores... and thats A FACT.

There is no solid absolute argument for being a Vege.

I'm Pro-Choice.

Thank You




  1. I agree, humans are omnivores and it is a personal choice to become a vegetarian. I'm not saying it's a bad idea but if people feel strongly enough in their conviction to forgo meat entirely, there are other ways of surviving :)

    I mean even chimps are omnivores and they are our ancestors (I saw it on animal planet once: a group of chimps up in the trees about 3 or 4 of them and they attacked a smaller monkey and killed and ate was kinda scary)

    **Edit: Pardon: Predecessors :)

  2. Er, listen, if you're 'pro-choice', why have you even bothered to start this question? That's like saying, 'I'm pro-choice, but abortion is bad' or 'I'm pro-choice, but humans should all be straight.'

  3. Well, from somebody who has their profile name as a serial killer, perhaps I can expect this type of simple argument, with little reasoning and no evidence to back it up. Come on.

    Please back up your arguments with some worthy evidence. Otherwise, someone could use exactly the same logic for ANY argument, e.g. "Humans are Jehovah's Witnesses, not Catholics or Protestants... and that's a FACT.

    There is no solid absolute argument for being a Protestant."

    See what I'm getting at here?

  4. Yes, humans are omnivores. No vegetarian argues that. We usually argue the morality behind factory farming, and other cruelties that so many find easy to ignore.

    As for the pasta, try taking a store bought pasta sauce in a jar, and add your favorite vegetables. I use zucchini, bell peppers, and mushrooms.

    Start with a frying pan that is slightly oiled. Add chopped onions, and let them fry for a bit. Then add your pasta sauce and allow it to heat up for a bit. Next stir in your veges. Put the lid on the pan, and let it simmer for a bit.

    Pour it over your favorite type of pasta.

  5. You think that people are vegetarian because they think that they're herbivores?

    LOL, that's just bs that people start regurgitating after they become veg.

    There is a "solid absolute argument" for being veg. It's called suffering. Animals suffer just as much as people even if they aren't as important. You most likely have no idea what suffering I'm speaking of but it's your choice to eat whatever the h**l you want.

    You've been spending too much time reading rants from immature teenagers on the internet. Spend a little more time in the real world, it sounds like you need it.


    Whether you are moved or not is irrelevant. That argument cannot be disputed, it can only be accepted or ignored as you choose to do.

    It's still your own choice so get over it already.

  6. Yes to both questions. And to prove answer No.2 ...


    Enough for pasta for 2


    2 cloves of garlic

    2 onions

    2 tablespoons of olive oil

    400g tin of plum tomatoes*

    2 teaspoons of basil or mixed herbs

    Ground pepper to taste


    Peel the garlic and chop it into tiny pieces. Peel the onions and chop them into tiny pieces.

    Put the oil into a frying pan on a medium heat. Add the garlic and onion. Fry the garlic and onion for about 2 minutes. Stir frequently to stop it sticking.

    Open the tin of tomatoes. Put the juice into the pan. Chop the tomatoes while they are still in the can (it’s easier than chasing them around the pan).

    Put the chopped tomatoes into the pan. Add the herbs. Continue to cook, stirring as the mixture boils. Season with the pepper. Continue to cook, stirring as the mixture boils, until the sauce has reduced.


    Add a glass of wine and cook for a bit longer.

    Add ¼ of a teaspoon of chilli powder to make it into an Arrabbiata sauce, which is usually served with penne pasta.


    Always “take the pasta to the sauce”. Put the cooked pasta in the pan with the sauce and stir together until thoroughly coated.

    * Plum tomatoes can be used either whole or chopped. It is difficult to stick chopped tomatoes back together again if you need to use them whole.

  7. i'm sorry sir but you make no sense, people get the choice of what to eat, as for pasta that is veigie based try cooking light magazine or simply google vegetable based pasta dishes

  8. Yes humans are omnivores because we are capable of digesting meat but we dont NEED to eat it to be healthy.

  9. Humans have evolved to survive on a diet of meat and veg or just veg. This is to increase their chances of survival. The proof is in the fact that people can live perfectly healthy lives on a diet that contains nothing that has come about from an animal's death. The fact that veggies don't die because of their diet is the proof you need that a veggie lifestyle isn't detrimental to health. Unless, of course the veggies doesn't replace meat/fish with something like Quorn, soya, tofu, beans, pulses etc.

    Plus, most people in Europe had vegetarian diets for most of their lives in the past (i.e before the 20th century) because meat on a regular basis was something only the rich could afford.

  10. Why does anyone care what, by evolution, we aremost like? Is it hurting anyone personally? It's choice.

    Eat unclaimed human corpses for all I care.  

    As far as solid absolute arguments, that's a matter of opinion.  An Objectivist might say there are no real arguments for God, or sacrifice for others or other forms altruism, while it is a core value of Christianity.  From a Christian worldview, there is an absolute argument for altruism.

    A libertarian might argue if an adult wants to go buy herion and shoot up at home, what possible argument could you have against that kind of free will?

    If I walk by someone who just has been in an accident, and am unmoved, could I make the argument I have no obligation to help others?  Me not caring about whatever issue doesn't negate the convictions of others, or validate my own opinion.  

    I can't think of a single argument that would make me go see s*x and the City, but I accept that it's different for others.  My wife can't comprehend why I love Glengarry Glen Ross, but there are absolute, rock solid, moving reasons for me (gotta love Mamet).

  11. Why is your picture of jeffrey dahmer?

    Anyways, it is all about choice, there are many reasons (and arguments) why people choose to go veggie. I'm not going to get preachy, but if you knew the things I've learned, then you may want to re-evaluate your decision....

    Humans are capable of digesting meat, but the amount of meat that people do eat have drastically increased over the past 30 years, (kinda makes sense that things like heart attacks and cancer are also increasing).

  12. Ive been born into vegetarianism .

    only eaten meat once .

    Boil some pasta in one pan

    Simmer some Ragu tomato sauce + quorn mince in another .

    then put them together and add cheese :)

    oh i am so hungry right now!

    if you wanted more veges in it then maybe try a vegetable lasagne :p (ragu also do great sauces for that- no i do not work for them lol)

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