
Humans are advancing so much, even to the point to where they are cloning animals? But to clone humans...?

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Many people are debating on whether or not Human Cloning just be Legal or not. What do you think? Do you think Human Cloning should be legal?

But before you anwser check out this website:

Theres alot of benefits to it, personally I dont think it's that bad, but I dont know if my religion accepts it (I'm Cathlioc), but it just doesn't seem that bad. So what do you think?




  1. My understanding is that the top secret U.S. Military black-ops projects at Area 51 have already cloned humans and have trained them in Special Forces as witnessed by one U.S. Army General who divulged this data.  He said the cloned forces are all identical men and identical women of the most superior anatomical perfection and stature.  He marveled over their perfect complexions and incredibly perfect salutes to him.  But he said they appear to lack a “human consciousness” and “human emotion”; and are extremely methodical and systematic automatons that exhibit ultra-skills of the utmost precession and dexterity. He thinks this was an intentional outcome from their genetic engineering in the militaristic quest to design the “perfect soldier”.  

    The only problem with cloning is its “Genetic Achilles Heel", a major flaw where the cloned species are also all mutually vulnerable to the same viruses or bacterial infectious diseases, for there is no versatility to their immune systems, and thus they are susceptible to mass mutual genocide.  Thus, all an enemy has to do is genetically design a lethal pathogen exclusively targeted to one of the clone's DNA profile and fatality is guaranteed for the entire species with no survivors.  

    Whereas, "natural" humans have individually distinct immune systems with enough independent variations to ensure survival of a percentage of their kind during a epidemic or pandemic.

  2. i think cloning humans or animals are wrong and should be illegal

  3. A clone is nothing more than a twin, or a triplet!

    It still has it's own soul.

    Science is just doing intentionally, with a body, what nature does accidentally!

  4. there's couple of good things about it  but it's more bed then good imagine you clone a person just for organ transplants it's going to be a living being even thought created artificially it 's going to have right to live cause personally i value every living being even artificially  created so for me it's no

  5. Well from a business stand point I think its a great idea. Its an renewable source of cheap labor both intellectual and manual.

    Morally it is reprehensible.

  6. it would benefit everyone. those who dont believe in it should just die off.

  7. What a wonderful website!

    I've never seen that before. It all makes so much sense.

    Personally I'm all for human cloning. I would solve a mulititude of problems for world hunger to disease to overpopulation.

    I especially like the part about the fountain of youth.  If we could further research this and perfect it, It could solve over population.  We could stop having babies and just live on as the people we are now!! There would be no births or deaths and we could advance as a society so far without ever having to worry about a population explosion that could kill all of society.

    I am 110% for human cloning, people who aren't are just ignorant and don't have any desire for furthering society. What bums.

    I can't wait to see the world 50 years  from now!!

  8. Just imagine someone turning out clones of Hitler or Stalin.Enough of this madness.

  9. I'm a clone..leave clones alone!

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