
Humans are not descendant of apes?

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Islam recognizes the general idea of the development of life in stages, over a period of time, human beings are considered as a special act of creation. Islam teaches that human beings are a unique life form that was created by Allah in a special way, with unique gifts and abilities unlike any other: a soul and conscience, knowledge, and free will. In short, Muslims do not believe that human beings randomly evolved from apes. The life of human beings began with the creation of two people, a male and a female named Adam and Hawwa (Eve). Muslims acknowledge that life developed over a long period of time, but see Allah's power behind it all. So the bigfoot you all hear about are the direct descendant of apes, not human..bigfoot and human are diffrent. wanna know more?




  1. There is no such creature as Bigfoot. According to science, we are not directly descended from apes, but we have a common ancestor millions of years ago.

  2. I must agree with another commenter that you are telling, not asking.  You can answer people's questions, but shouldn't put out a non-question here.  Because you have accepted the teachings of Islam, do you now feel compelled to inform the misinformed evolutionists?

    Notice how you refer to Muslims, Islam, and Allah, and write in the third person.   It is how "we" believe, and you are an accepter, follower, and proselytizer.   People are more interested in what "you" think.

    Do you no longer have any questions about your religion?  Who created Allah, for example?  What language did Allah speak when communicating with Adam and Hawwa?  Since Islam followed Judaism and Christianity, could we say it "evolved" from those religions, or did Allah make a mistake in creating them beforehand?  

    With regard to Bigfoot, I still think it is a great legend and we shouldn't give it credence in the greater scheme of life until we know if it even exists.  I, for one, believe in Smallfoot and Averagefoot, much smaller creatures that inhabit the forests of northern Canada.

  3. So what you're saying is that when we reproduce, we are doing so with our sisters, brothers, uncles, aunties etc, since our ancestors can be traced back to two imaginery people??? Can you please post real questions, rather than your opinion disguised as a question

  4. is God an ape...........................

  5. For your answerers that want to make fun of creationists for believeing that we decended from just one breeding pair. That has to be true for evolution also. Or did Homo Erectus just appear suddenly in a herd so that there would be no inbreeding?

  6. humans and apes are descended from a common ancestor.

  7. it's a fairy tale just like the Bible,you will find out within 6 years

    if you still alive,because many will die in WWIII

  8. no, but thank you for proving that islamic creationists are just as loony as the various types christian creationists (even the Mormon ones).  .

  9. I've never believed we came from the ape family..The link is still missing..They can find older skelletons and newer, but can't find the one in the linking middle, because it doesn't exist.  We may had an ape like appearance, (some of us still do), but we were distinctly different.

  10. the real question you have to ask yourself is....

    do yo believe that 6 billion +people came from just 2 people, or did the species evolve from primates?

    I buy the primate story a bit better, because of the incest factor

  11. This is Social SCIENCE, not mumbo jumbo religious BULLSH!T, which belongs in "Religion and Spitituality", under "Society and Culture". Muslim schools were still teaching that the sun revolved around the Earth, as little as 50 years ago. People everywhere used to believe that the Earth was flat, but that did not make it so, and we now know differently. Muslims are just as deliberately ignorant as fundamentalist christians, when it comes to evolution, when there are tens of thousands of fossils, and a plethora of DNA evidence in its support, and all you have is a creation myth, like that of the Rainbow Serpent of the aboriginal Australians (and just as unlikely!). Go away, and don't come back!!!

  12. There's no such thing as big foot.  What kind of question is this?? obviously man is descendant from apes, and apes from rodents and so and so

  13. Islam doesn't differ from Christianity or Judaism in that regard.  If you are interested in the truth, we are all simply bipedal apes.  I keep hearing that we didn't evolve from apes, even from those who should know better.  We did not evolve from living apes, but we did evolve from their ape ancestors.  Apes have been around since the Miocene.  It is very likely that we evolved from Sahelanthropus or Orrorin which are probable bipedal apes from around 6 million years ago.  It is like that chimps also evolved from one of these or a similar ape.  You could not name very many differences between yourself and a chimp except that you walk on two legs, have a larger brain, are less hairy, and talk.  I think you shouldn't be afraid to learn and don't get stuck in listening to people who lived thousands of years ago who probably thought the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth.  Science marches on.  For someone like me who believes that bigfoot is almost certainly a real creature, I found it very strange that you included it and even more amazing that noone even commented on it.  It probably doesn't help your credibility with most people.

  14. MtDna shows that all females are  descended from a female living in africa about 160,000 years ago and that the Y chromosome  DNA  shows that all males are descended from one male who lived about 50,000 years ago  while the time is different. the bible is correct that we all descended from one pair according to DNA studies.

  15. You're right man did not come from apes.  Apes and man came from a common ancestor.  There's a big difference.

    Just like a pet dog did not evolve from a wolf, but they do share a common ancestor.

  16. no they are not, you are right.

  17. While we are all quite aware that creationists believe that human beings were set on earth all at once by a deity and did not evolve from anything else, I don't really see a question in what you've said. I don't think anyone is surprised that the bible says people came from Adam and Eve.

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