
Humans evolved why we cannot see nowadays animals transforming into humans now?

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some people says humans evolved from monkeys why we cannot see monkeys turning int humans now?




  1. To learn more about evolution, follow the New York Times link below. They have a short video also. If you are interested mainly on human evolution, try the second link.

    We see bacteria evolving as its environment changes. We also see evolution in agricultural plants. Evolution in human  is slower since the rate of evolution is dependent on the age of reproduction (and natural selection pressures). Bacteria under optimal conditions can double every 10 minutes. People need at least 12 years to be able to pass on genes -- good or bad.  Some could argue that with modern medicine, natural selection is no longer as strong of an influence, that even "unfit genes" are allowed to be passed on.

  2. That's not how it works. Please, please, read a book.

  3. Your question intregues me... please add more detail

  4. we didn't evolve from apes we evolved from lesser types of primitive man and over time different types of people evolved their language and grew a custom-ed to their environment making others darker and other lighter others smaller others taller to survive our surrounding and anybody who says that humans evolved from apes are stupid because  your putting your self in the same category as a monkey and I for one do not go around throwing human waste or picking and eating lice

  5. See, this is what happens when kids are home schooled.

    Read a book and stop haunting anthropology.

  6. Humans have evolved over 5 million years!

    We are still evolving to this day. Some people are born without wisdom teeth or appendix, this is an evolutionary step. Our jaws can no longer support the third molar, thus more people are being born without wisdom teeth. This is also true about the appendix.

    There have been many different lines of hominids over the past 5 million years and it takes lots of time for species to evolve not just in one person's lifetime but over many millenium.

  7. In order to evolve, the animals would have to actually have a complete change of DNA.  That is not possible under any circumstances conceivable to mankind, either laboratory, or naturally based.  The DNA strands would have to be broken in such a way that it would kill the creature.   Also, in the order of clasification, it is impossible for one species to become another.  From Kingdom, to phylum, to class, to order,to family there is some cross-overs, granted, but once you get to species, it is impossible to transition from any one species to any other. (For example, it would be hard to turn a cat into a dog, wouldn't it?)  A species, by the way, is often classified as a group within a family that doesn't mate outside of that group.  Therefore, and this last part is a little personal opinion, it would be physically impossible for any evolution to have ever occured.  Mutations? sure. Natural selection? granted. But evolution? I reiterate, by any logical or scientific standpoint, evolution is not possible.

  8. Your first mistake is to assume that humans are the pinnacle of evolution.  They are not.  They are simply a well adapted bipedal  naked ape that is pretty intelligent.   A chimp is far more suited to its environment than a human.  You could not keep up with chimps in the forest and certainly not in the trees.  They wouldn't do so well in ours either.  The point is every animal is nearly ideally adapted to its particular niche, humans included.   Monkeys don't evolve into people because they are well suited to survive being monkeys.  Evolution happens in punctuated steps that proceed very slowly until the niche (environment) changes and then it proceeds more quickly.  Particular features are favored in particular environments.  Every step in the evolutionary process has to be extremely viable and well adapted or it will perish.

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