
Humans helped make the outer space...right?

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like we helped build them and get hings that live to them in our space ships like a long time ago??

didnt we like take rocks and sand into outer space and throw it out there and thats how they were made....or something




  1. Sorry but no. Planets and moons were created from meteors hitting eachother and making them break to pieces(i think) the craters in the moon are from meteors also. Belive it or not. stars are made from stars!! when a star get so old htey either turn into a different kind of star or they explode making many more . stars are balls off gases . And think about this. if people as early as the 1600's obseved planets and stars, how did they get stuff up there then space shuttles weren't even invented =)

    Hope the other people answering your question werent mean

  2. no cause if we did it a long time ago then wed be a space aged race now

    its not possible for us to and get ready for lots of:

    man your stupid hey look theres your first

  3. Space existed well before Earth.

    In the beginning (very long ago), all there was were giant clouds of hydrogen (the most simple atom:  one proton with one electron circling it) with very little of anything else.

    Some of the clouds began to collapse to form the first stars.  Once enough matter had fallen together, the pressure at the centre (having to hold up against gravity) became very high, forcing the atoms to collide with each other with great energy.

    This caused the hydrogen atoms to fuse (4 hydrogen atoms becoming 1 helium atom).  Lots of energy was released in the process, giving the stars their source of energy to shine.

    (Stars are definitely not lightbulbs)

    In bigger stars, the pressure and temperature was high enough for helium to fuse and form Carbon, then Oxygen, and so on.

    This material was sent back out into space as stellar wind and through huge star explosions (supernova they're called).

    When this released matter mixed with other clouds of hydrogen and helium, the clouds collapsed again and caused a second generation of stars to be born.  These stars already contained a bit of Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen.  This caused the fusion reactions to deliver more energy.  A bigger quantity of heavier atoms were created (including lead, Uranium and so on -- all the stuff at the upper end of the Chemical Table of Elements).

    Stuff gets sent back into space.

    A third generation of stars is formed by the collapse of clouds containing all these element.  There is now enough heavy atoms in the clouds that solid planets can be formed.

    Our Sun is one such star, and the planets were formed from the stuff that was created inside previous stars.

    We did not created space by sending stuff up there.  Space created us.


    Captain Kirk is a fictitious character:  he was the captain of a space ship in a TV series called Star Trek, over 30 years ago.  He has nothing to do with how space is created.

  4. throw rocks up their? go to school

  5. they also tossed cookies

  6. uh.... no. LOL!~!!!~212 oh uhm... God did.

  7. No that's not exactly how it supposedly began, "they" astrobiologists, astrophysicists, astronomers, and other scientists, (people who are much, much smarter than I am) say now that it all began was a singularity called "The Big Bang".  It is a theory of cosmological evolution.  These are a series of better, and better approximations, these things called theories.  Cosmologists consider the aftermath of the "Big Bang" as being what actually is "now".  

    The "Big Bang" is actually a misnomer, due to the fact that it wasn't big but very, very small, a singularity.  Then something happened and in a flash it all expanded.  But it wasn't a "bang" because there is no air in space to carry sound!  

    How do we know, what we now know, because we stockpile the knowledge of the most intelligent of us.  Compensating for the fact that any one of us is too stupid to figure it all out.  There were instruments "discovered" and places that people used to determine the times of the year (like Stonehenge),  and astrology with the constellations etc., etc.  

    From superstitious motives comes the baby steps of cosmology.  The ancients discovered mathematics, and were no fools.  Then there were "things discovered" such as telescopes, and other technologies.  Oh, and yes there were people, many, many people, Aristotal, Ptolomy, Copernacus, Keppler, Galeleo, Newton, Einstine, etc., etc.  Intellectuals all!

    So there ya' have it, hope you can use some of this nonsence.

  8. You go to school??? How old are you, "like" 3" or something"?!?!? Maybe you should stop cutting class. The universe has been around long before humans have existed, so how could you think that humans made everything? maybe you should just stay with the idea that "God" made everything.

  9. yeah, sure, that's how it was done nina. captain kirk made the moon himself.

  10. I can only apologize to everyone on behalf of the professional astronomy community.  We have clearly failed to communicate and educate the public on matters cosmological!

  11. No we didn't, but you could say we are outer space, since everything in the universe is all made up of the same stuff, eventually we'll all be stardust.

  12. umm no how old are you..? everything in the universe was created via the big bang... although this is just a hypothesis.. LMFAO to the chick that said jesus..

  13. LOL yeah "we" did all of that, the stars are just a bunch of lightbulbs way out there

  14. God made the world in  6 days and on the 7th he rested. Maybe you should read the bible and pray to God and he might  give you some knowledge.

  15. yeah we did everything

  16. What?  No.

  17. no.. it was just there!!

  18. Outer space is the universe which is all of existence as we know it.  It all came to exist long before the Earth was even formed and we humans came into being.

    We did not make the Universe.  We can only discover it.

  19. where do you think coco puffs came from, everyone know coco puffs are little rocks from space!!!!

  20. Yeah, humans went underground to find them and then went up a bit before going there to find something.

    How did you figure all of this out?

  21. hehe no,  god made outer space.

  22. Outer space is forever. We learned about it. The reason why it is expanding because the light is finally reaching earth. I can't really explain it unless your a science geek =P

    to make it simpler.. the universe came to us.

  23. Outer space existed long before humans were around, and likely will exist long after humans are gone. It consists of an infinite number of stars, with planets, all organized into galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Humans have only made very small trips into space--we've gone to our moon, and we have satellites that circle around the earth. That's it. We've taken small amounts of  rocks and sand from the moon and brought it back to earth for testing.

    Here's information about the big bang:

  24. no sweetie... that was jesus

  25. Sorry...

    I vote no to all of your fantasies.

    And, if you haven't noticed...light bulbs do not work

    without power cords...and someone paying the power

    bill.  Er-r who pays to light up all those bulbs??? Right???

  26. no....... you should research the big bang theory for a more accurate view of how the universe was formed. Humans had no play in the formation of the cosmos. You can either go the science theory with the Big Bang or the religious theory where most theology believes it was a deity of some sort depending on the belief you wish to follow. As far as I know almost every religion has a creation theory and they follow the same principles

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