
Humiliated cuz of work...?

by  |  earlier

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My head manager had asked me today if i had paid 4 off wat i was missing 4 my paycheck cuz they do this incase your drawer comes up short so i told her yes. Then she comes to me all pissed of and tells me that i didnt pay even though i had and she asked me who i pgave the money to and i told her i didnt remember evn though i had payed. So the i remmebred and told her i had payed my floor manager and my she denied i had paid her in front of me even though everyone i thought had seen me. So she asked my friend if he had seen me paid but the thing is u cant pick up your check unless u pay 4 it so i couldnt of possibly gotten my check if i hadnt payed 4 it then she ogt on me about that id better bot be lying to her so i told her that im pfine id pay ehr again then i took out a hundred 2 pay her and she says i better give her somehing smaller than that. Then my friend overheard and told all my friends to round up the extra cheange since my manager was making a scene in front of everyone so it really humiliated me that my friends had 2 pay for me just cuz my dumbass manger had made a mistake and miscounted my money. So do u think i Overeacted to this? and i also feel my head manager was really incompoten in doing this and we even have security cameras that caught me doing this and she told me that she just didnt have time to check and we made a scene about 10 freaking dollars.




  1. Your manager was dead wrong, in what she did, and said! And your other  floor manager was dead wrong when she lied and said you did not pay her when of course you did, this is what young man I would make your manager do!1. Make her recount your drawer, in front of witnesses, have her write down the total of your drawer, show your witness the amount in your drawer, then I would demand the money you had to pay twice, jst to be able to get paycheck, then I would connect with the owner of the store, either call the main office(whereevr it is), or call him direct! Tell the owner what the first manager said when she lied about paying for whatever it was you paid for, then explain to him about the floor manager lieing about the bill you already but had to pay again, because of the lies that were told about you, and ask him if this was fair to you? I would also inform about your drawer not being short, and that you want re-embursed for the bill you paid twice, just so you could get your check! I would not let this ride, and far as $10.00, that isn't what this about, this about the lies, and the down-grading this manager did in front of all your other co-workers! I would be safe in saying the owner ONLY KNOWS WHAT HE HAS BEEN TOLD BY YOUR MANAGERS!good Luck! Stand your ground! You aare right and they were wrong!And anyways $10.00 dollars is $10.00 !!!

  2. what a horrible cunTT! i hate when people forget importiant things like that. you poor soul. i hope you will feel better about it soon. it's not your fault really that she is such a bittch.

  3. I'd say it's time to talk to another manager, or better yet their manager. STAY CALM. Explain to them the situation and how to feel that you were humiliated in front of customers and peers because of how she handled this. If she really thought you were short and wanted the money then she should have taken you to her office and asked for it there. It's unprofessional for her to ask for money from you for any reason in front of customers and your peers.

    I am pretty sure you over reacted, but many people years older than you would've over reacted as well. It's a normal reaction when someone is rude and embarrasses you. The main thing is to keep your cool when you talk to their manager. Ask about their policy so that if the manager deviated from it then she will be questioned about it.  

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