
Humint? ?

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what if you are an enlisted soldier or officer in HUMINT and you dont beleive in some of the things you are told to do, but you want to stay in the military. what are your options? too ****** bad or what? thank you, really appreciate the answers.




  1. I "___________" do solemnly swear to defend the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. So help me God. To obey the orders of all officers , and non commisioned officers over me......did you or did you not say this oath of enlistment or words to that effect.??????

  2. well, you enlisted and signed a contract, as well as took an oath of service. what do you think?

  3. This is a very good question.

    I have had similar, but not so serious, moral dilemmas in my career.

    What you have to do is consider: "What is the Commander's Intent?" and apply that to the given situation.

    I always found the case of LTC Allen West very interesting; he was faced with the type of moral dilemma you describe.  You should look into how he responded.

    You also need to consider that if you make a career in the HUMINT field, you could be in a position to someday shape policies and procedures.

  4. Go in the Coast Guard or Air Force if you want to go in the military. You'll be less likely to be in a situation where you have to do something you don't believe in. Unless it's get up at 3 a.m. or clean toilets with a tooth brush, then you're out of luck. You have to do that.

  5. The army is just a political game. Just say yes sir and drive on. But along the way learn to play the system. Once you know the ropes you can move the pieces around
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