
Hump Back Whale in my dream, what does this mean?

by  |  earlier

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Usually, I can connect things which happen in my dreams with what has happened or is happening in my life, ie; a television show or anxiety. But I can't place this one.

I was swinging on a rope swing over a lake and a whale came and nuzzled my feet! Then I jumped in the water and swam with him, I really enjoyed it!

I have not seen any whales on television or talked about them in the last few months, so I figure it's something psychological which is manifesting its self in the shape of a whale.




  1. Hi there,

    Let's see what  you've got......

    I was swinging on a rope swing

    ((dream opens... Looks like a leisure moment... something you've gone back and forth over.....))

    over a lake

    ((Something either you may have to tread.... work out, or something you observed......))

    and a whale came and nuzzled my feet!

    ((**resounds a familiar issue....  Something or someon large.... regarding the foundation by which you stand in limbo......))

    Then I jumped in the water and swam with him,

    ((Dream says you went for it....."jumped in"...... and you were not alone.....))

    I really enjoyed it!

    ((whatever you did, it was great!!  - had a lot of fun...))

    I have not seen any whales on television or talked about them in the last few months, so I figure it's something psychological which is manifesting its self in the shape of a whale.

    Your sister,


    ((dream interpreter for over 20 years))

  2. what do u associate with whales.

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