
Humping gerbils?

by  |  earlier

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my gerbils are both male and they always hump each other, they take it in turns and they always squile when they do it, they still hudle up togeather and share food but why do they do it?

thx in advance




  1. Either g*y or lonely. Buy then a couple of females.

  2. its to show dominence over each other get them neuterd and  before yhuu do that check there sexs lol

    go on these and double check the sexs




  3. It is a display on dominates. Ii do not know why but it is. You might want to separate them.

  4. Maybe one of them is actually a girl and you just don't know it, or you have some g*y gerbils!

  5. they want to have s*x but the only gerbl there is a boy.

    so they just have to do it to eachother.

    otherwise...they are g*y

    or maybe they both think the other is a girl

  6. uh, beem males don't go in to heat so don't act like you know it all lol... so anyway it's to show dominence don't listen to anyone who says they're g*y... that's just stupid. do not get a female because this will result in pregnancy which is dangerous sometimes. hope this helps :)

  7. they are in heat of course

  8. no its just scent marking. The dominate gerbil will always scent mark the oter one by getting on top of it, mine do it all the time.
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