
Hunched back, help w/posture please!!?

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I have walked with my back hunched for a few years. I'm 15 now and I want my back to be straight. When I straighten my back it doesn't hurt but it feels kinda weird doing that cuz I'm not used to it. Any tips? Please don't tell me to go to a physical therapist, it's quite obvious I don't need one.




  1. You'll get used to it after awhile.  Practice sitting up straight in chairs too, and don't use the backs of the chairs.  Just try to be aware of your posture constantly for a few weeks, and it'll become second nature

  2. How do you know you don't need a physical therapist? It sounds obvious to me that you DO need one. Better yet, go to a chiropractor.

  3. Oh I slouch too!

    What you should do is when you notice your slouching you should roll back your shoulders and stay like that until you forget, it's made my posture better already!


  4. Just make it a point to walk with your head high and your shoulders is partly an attititude thing...when someone finally feels sure enough about ones self  then they are ready to walk with pride in themselves.  It sounds like you are ready.

  5. Hi, Nat, Try walking as if there's a pencil eraser pushing in the middle of your back.

    Or try pretending there's a hook coming out the top of your head.

    Or pretend you're a marionette, and there are strings pulling up by the top of your head and both shoulders.

    Get someone you're really close to to keep telling you, STAND UP STRAIGHT!  Or have them hit you just hard enough when you're slouching.

    Did you know that models have to learn to walk with 5 books on their heads in high heels?!  Wow!  That's got to be hard!

    I hope one of these tips help you. The fourth one worked for me. As I was growing up, your age and younger, my Mom kept telling me to stand up straight.  Today I'm adult with good posture.

    Bless you and Good luck!  :)

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