
Hungarian migration?

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Where were the Hungarians before they were behind the Ural mountains?




  1. looks like i got a similar answer.. but here's some details.

    it does not specify where they were before the ural mountains.

    Sometime during the fourth millennium BC, the Uralic-speaking peoples who were living in the central and southern regions of the Urals split up. The peoples speaking Finno-Ugric languages dispersed primarily towards the west and northwest and came into contact with Iranian speakers who were spreading northwards.[23] From at least 2000  BC onwards, the Ugrian speakers became distinguished from the rest of the Finno-Ugric community. Judging by evidence from burial mounds and settlement sites, they interacted with the Andronovo Culture[24]. More advanced tribes arriving from the southern steppes taught them how to farm, breed cattle and produce bronze objects[citation needed]. Around 1500 BC, they started to breed horses and horse riding became one of their typical activities[citation needed].

    In the early first millennium BC, the northern Ugrian subgroup (the Ob-Ugrians) moved to the lower Ob River, while southern Ugrians remained in the south and became nomadic herdsmen[citation needed]. Since these southern Ugrians became the ancestors of the Magyars, this division is usually marked as the beginning of the Magyars as a distinct ethnic group[citation needed]. During the following centuries, the Magyars continued to live in the wood-steppes and steppes southeast of the Ural Mountains, strongly influenced by their immediate neighbours of Iranian extraction[citation needed].

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