
Hunters and gun enthusiasts, what do u think of militiamen?

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what do u guys think of anti-government extreme right wing militiamen and their dedication to resist the evils of our communist government? if a militiaman recruited you to help fight for our freedoms, would u say yes or would u say no because u support communism?




  1. they a re taking their law into their own hands and are not helping anyone just ging nuts and making decisions with out the rest of us and doing and saying things that are not coming out of our mouths but theres only. you have to be careful what you join our govt is for the people by the people and stuff you know these guys aren't right and therefore its against the law to sid e with them its not good fo ryou take care.

  2. There are a few militias out there that are actually trying to do the right thing, but quite a few that are little more than n***s in fatigues.

    I am in the Texas National Guard, and yes, I consider that a militia, even if it has some pretty strong Federal control. And, that precludes me from joining these other groups. You should only join one Army at a time.

    I do support the right of these private militia groups, regardless of what they stand for or whether I agree with it, to peaceably congregate with arms and train in military skills. And even if we disagree with some of their values, if ever America sees another war on her soil we will be glad to have them. At least those of us rooting for the home team.

  3. Your question is inflammatory.  How about giving us your opinion first and then ask a straight forward question instead of phrasing it so that it can not be answered without pointing out that the question itself is poor?

    I have and am fighting for your freedom to type gibberish on an internet message board.   What are you doing to help fight to preserve our freedoms?  I do not expect everyone to enlist for active duty, but do expect everyone to educate themselves, vote on election day, write their elected representatives and let them know when they are messing up and educating others around themselves.  

    Every US Citizen should be a rifleman.  Basic firearms competency to protect themselves and loved ones and our way of life including the principles supported by the US Constitution if need be.   There are groups who get the bad attention they deserve who are advocating armed overthrow of our government and are fantasizing about when they hope that day will come.   The problem is that instead of putting all of their energy into some SHTF wet dream, they should be getting out there and having their voices heard in a positive light and wake up those who are sleeping through their lives not aware of the liberties being taken away from them by fuzzy feel good laws which make them feel safe but really just restrict the rights of reasonable rational responsible adults.

    Although we should never forget April 19th 1775, we should be working to preserve our government, not start over with something that we really don't want.

  4. So let me get this straight ------- If we dont agree with you we are communist.... And if we do then we think our govt is communist????.....  My Oh My.......... Someones really messed with your head....  Listen buddy -- Our form of government isnt perfect but its not turning communist.... Yeah Yeah Yeah I know we have the Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Ted Kennedy types flapping there socialist yaps in congress and the senate but geez -- All isnt lost pal....... Most of America is in the middle which isnt a totaly bad thing....... Until I see the Constituition thrown out and marshall law in place I wouldnt worry about it....

  5. "militiamen" are just a bunch of kooks who can't become policemen or soldiers because they are mentally ill, so they like to pretend that they are what they can't actually become. It's a form of dementia.  

  6. If someone asked you to think before posting these ridiculous and leading questions would you say yes or would you say no because you support stupidity

    If you think this country is communist I would suggest that you try visiting an actual communist country

    If you are an example of the "extreme right" militiamen why would any thinking patriot choose to align themself with you

    Waht are you fighting for, what are you fighting against?

    What is the plan for your new government?

    Whose doctrine are you following?

  7. Am going to research this; I think it is written in our constitution or someplace that in the USA all males between the ages of 16 and 65 are in what is called a militia and subject to call to active duty in times of emergency. going to look it up.  

  8. I think militiamen are considered boogeymen because the people and location of their camps. They are predominantly rural, blue collar workers simply because rural areas are the only places to go shoot in the wilderness anymore. They are misguided patriots, perhaps, but by no means bad people.

    I wouldn't take an oath to some backyard Militia, but if a group of friends want to join me to play tactical paintball or something with another group, I would consider it as good training and exercise.

    BTW, not all people are rejected from Military service because of mental issues... Medical is by FAR the biggest disqualifier... Bad hearing, acne, skin rashes, previously broken bones, you name it. I got DQ'd for Laser Surgery. I can see 20/20, but can't get in. Go figure.  

  9. I support freedom and individual rights but NOT militiamen, who are merely fascists in disguise as "patriots.".

  10. According to the 2nd amendment, all gun owners are militiamen.

    Welcome to the militia!

    God Bless America!

  11. as a fine point of Consttitutional law we may all be Militiamen.

    I swore to defend and protect the Consitution from all foes ... foreign and domestic once... I figure that oath is good till I die.

    BTW... your question begs a red herring and straw man argument... logical questions get intelligent answers

  12. First off, you don't live under anything near communism so lighten up. Second of all, I might think of joining if civilians were being slaughtered for no reason, but not much else.

  13. im not sure what your talking about as in communism, china, soviet union,north  vietnam, and north korea i believe is what communism is. as for malitias, like the last poster wrote, the texas national guard, and other state's national guards are appropriate malitias, but i think the ones your talking about, have a few more motives behind what they say they stand for, other than what they are letting on.

    i do believe our government could stand to make a few changes, but im not willing to grab a gun and try to start a revolution or anything.

      thats what they make voting boxes for.

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