
Hunters does venision taste better than beef?

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After thinking about it, isn't the reason the meat widely accepted in the U.S. comes from animals that they do is becuase they are stupid and easy to catch rather than actual taste. For example the chicken, a bird with wings and feathers that can't fly or the cow an animal dumb enough to tip over while it's sleeping.....

Other than the possibility that deers must taste unbelievable I can't find another reason why anyone would willingly wake up at 1 in the morning to go hunting.....




  1. Vension has its own taste but for me it would be better than beef. V has no patch on bef at all

    moreover wild meat is lean as they eat the best they can get in the forest.V kebabs are the best to make

  2. Not better, just different and as good. Bison is another and so is goat. Not better or worse, just different.

  3. YES, and its healthier for you to eat.* Deer are not stupid and easy to harvest.* Hunting is a Sport whether you eat what you harvest or share it with others to eat.* Why would anyone not consider Hunting as a Sport?* It is a Sport.* " Hunting is Fun and Enjoyable, Killing is neither Fun or Enjoyable.".... "Society will forever judge Hunters by their Compassion for the animals that they Hunt for and Harvest."....

  4. Deer taste Phenomenal they put Beef to SHAME

  5. We love venison but understand that someone who has never tasted it might take some time to get used to the flavor.

    Venison can taste differently depending on its habitat... if they graze in prairie areas and eat sage, etc. they can have a stronger  "gamier" flavor than those who have access to farmland and eat a lot of corn.

    At least with venison you aren't getting all the antibiotics, growth hormones, etc. that commercially raised livestock are given.  

    Getting up early to hunt or fish is the best of times.. whether with good friends, alone or with family.  My best memories are of such times with my parents and siblings..

  6. Vennison has its own taste. And it changes from each and every person and how they prepare and cook it. There are many many ways it can be done but its not so much how we like the taste or all that. For us its more of a way of life. We depend on that meat to eat through out the year. We have to make sure at the end of every season that we have enough meat to eat. I live out in the country and thats our thing. We kill our own food and grow our own food. I was raised that way, as was my daddy, my papa, my great grand daddy, etc. Thats how it is for us. Some hunt for sport and I think that is the most degrading thing a hunter can do. You eat what you kill and you let nothing go to waste. Thats just how we live out here in the backwoods.

  7. Yea, it does, but hey that's just my tastebuds and it depends on how you cook it.

  8. Venison tastes no better than beef, other than usually your the person that harvested said deer. Moose on the other hand is WAY better than beef..

    Good Hunting...

  9. Venison is amazing, beef gets kinda boring because I eat it almost every day. If I had a choice, I would pick venison hands down over beef.

  10. Mainly because I like to participate in sports not watch them on TV like football junkies,and of coarse venison has almost as much cholesterol in a whole animal as 1 big mac.I would rather stay awake all night to go hunting in the morning before sitting in 3 hours of traffic and paying to park and then pay again to watch a bunch of overpaid prima donnas run around and play ball.

  11. Nothing else tastes like venison.  It is excellent tablefare.  Of course, for that matter so is elk.  It is somewhat closer to beef in taste.  Keep in mind that wild game has a tendency to be better for you because of lower animal fats and cholestrol. Plus for the most part it is all natural.

    Exhilaration would be my term for the hunt.  It heightens the senses and the hunt becomes the fun, not the killing.  Killing is the just conclusion of a good hunt, of which meat is the reward.

  12. I like it better than beef.

  13. I think it tastes alot better! You cant beat venison of a yearling. But alot of people ruin it by cooking it wrong. And I get up early to go hunting because I love being up in the mountains when the sun is rising... and its the best time to hunt.

  14. Being able to tip a  cow over while it is asleep is an urban legend.  Cows don't sleep standing up.  I imagine lots of people will disagree with me, but beef tastes much better than venison.  I eat venison, but only when it's made into jerky or summer sausage.

  15. Q: Hunters does venision taste better than beef?

    A: I think so.  I'm a meat-eater since my Dad owned his own meat market and I was raised on steak and potatos.  I love beef but I am also a hunter and I have come to realize that venison is healthier than commercially farmed meat.  My Dad's stock was all grass fattened, still venison is leaner than beef and better tasting.  However it is drier than beef.  I actually prefer the taste of venison to that of beef.  If the only meat I could get was venison I would be just as satisfied as if I were having beef steak everyday.  Especially nowadays that beef is pumped full of steroids (growth hormones) and drugs and who know what!


  16. i wake up at 5 in the morning to go hunting because its fun, and "deers" taste good. i wouldnt say better than beef but its up there with it. and i take pride in being able to put food on the table

  17. I just think deer tastes different from other stuff, some people may like it and some might not. I do know that cows, pigs and chickens are the easiest animals in their category to raise, so they have become a very popular staple. The one thing that makes you wake up so early (I have never gotten up at 1 am to go hunting though) is that farm-raised meat is not as lean and pure as wild game, and there is more to hunting than just getting meat.

  18. venison is amazing..  if cooked properly.  Its also better from young does

  19. Its good eating and a lot more fun to grocery shop in the woods

  20. I can't saw better than beer but very, very good. It creates a variety in the diet.It is better than beef in having no marbling or fat in the meat. Venison is extremely lean.

    If you were to ask is moose better than beef. Yes, it is a little better than beef. And thus the variety is even better.

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