
Hunting Varmint this year.?

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I am hunting with 4 of my favorite people in the world. My dad, my dads best friend and his son. My dad doesn't care for fur so he uses the 270. win. My dads best friend uses a 223. and his son uses the 22-250. Now i own a 270. but i want a smaller gun for fur. I have shot both these rifles and i like the 22-250 better. I have also shot the 204. ruger and i loved it.

i want either the 22-250 or the 204. ruger but i dont know which one. Most people tell me the 22-250 because the have never shot or seen a 204. I want to know from the people who have experience with both of these calibres.




  1. The 22-250 is the best choice, because the 204 caliber has a very short barrel life compared with the 22-250.*  

  2. Given the choice both are excellent calibers. For me it was the 204, Ruger offers a light varmit rifle with a laminated stock and stainless barrel. I have one in 204 and 223, both are super accurate and work well with both factory loads and reloads alike. Take a look at the Ruger website and online catalog.

  3. HI.......  If you want to save the fur then the .204 Ruger would be the better choice.... As a side note I dont happen to be a fan of the Ruger .204.... It is what i call a "johnny come lately" cartridge or a "cartridge of the year" cartridge..... Its new, and in my opinion hasn't established itself.... It would be disappointing to purchase a rifle chambered in .204 only to have its popularity diminish when another manufacturer comes up with something more "improved" or "better".....

    There are 2 downside to the .204. The ammo is expensive and it is a lighter bullet which can be affected by wind over long distances....

    Reconsider the .223.... Check out this cartridge guide for a wealth of info....

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