
Hunting help in alaska please

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hey i live in anchorage alaska and i am kinda bored this month so i was wondering what kinda animals i could hunt, i am using a pellet gun/ .22 single shot, i was looking for some kind of rabbit hunting or maybe even squirrel hunting/ bird hunting. i need some tips on what to wear and all so thanx




  1. You need to call Alaska Department of Fish and Game and ask them the regulation in regards to pellet guns and air rifles and what game you can take with them. I am familiar with the firearm laws of Alaska but not air guns.

    As for small game you do need to take a hunters safety course and buy a hunting license.

    Small game would be grouse, snow shoe hare, ptarmigan etc.

    But if you just want to have some fun there are lots of people that have a problem with rats and other pests and you don’t need a hunting license for that.

    Here is a list of small critters you can shoot year round that are considered pests;

    Starlings, English sparrow, Pigeon, mice, rats, feral ferret, and raccoons.

    Here is a PDF with the regulations on small game;

    I would advise not to try raccoons with a standard air gun you need a powerful one for them even with head shots.

    What you wear is less important than being silent and observant. You don’t have to wear camouflage, just wear natural colors, no bright colors like white, yellow etc. I have taken lots of big game wearing blue jeans and a brown shirt.

    Good hunting!

  2. Just wear some camo clothes and maybe even a Fleese.(thats a camo mask for ur face. If u want to attraact squirrels go and by some deer corn and where ever u see the squirrels throw some corn out it will attract them. I live in Tx but hunt in Oklahoma and we have deer feeders and I see so many squirrels eating the corn.

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